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Joining two different data sets using space and time (date and time) using ArcGIS Desktop?

I have two sets of incident data from different sources but I would like to aggregate them together to provide one version of the truth.

These two sets of data will often contain the same incidents (based on date and time as well as location). But they come from two different organisations.

Does anyone please know of a good way in ArcGIS Desktop of using spatial coordinates as well as the date and time of the events to intelligently identify when the incidents match (say within 30min and 200m of each other)?

I have access to MapInfo and ArcGIS so any examples of this being done on those platforms would be great.

Joining two different data sets using space and time (date and time)

I have two sets of incident data from different sources but I would like to aggregate them together to provide one version of the truth.

These two sets of data will often contain the same incidents (based on date and time as well as location). But they come from two different organisations.

Does anyone please know of a good way of using spatial coordinates as well as the date and time of the events to intelligently identify when the incidents match (say within 30min and 200m of each other)?

I have access to MapInfo and ArcGIS so any examples of this being done on those platforms would be great.

Joining two different data sets using space and time (date and time) using ArcGIS Desktop?

I have two sets of incident data from different sources but I would like to aggregate them together to provide one version of the truth.

These two sets of data will often contain the same incidents (based on date and time as well as location). But they come from two different organisations.

Does anyone please know of a good way in ArcGIS Desktop of using spatial coordinates as well as the date and time of the events to intelligently identify when the incidents match (say within 30min and 200m of each other)?

Minor spelling/corrections, removed appreciation/thanks and name; edited body
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I have two sets of incident data from different sources but I would like to aggregate them together to provide one version of the truth.

These two sets of data will often contain the same incidents (based on date and time as well as location). ButBut they come from two different organisations.

Does anyone please know of a good way of using spatial coordinates as well as the date and time of the events to intelligently identify when the incidents match ( saysay within the space of 30minutes30min and 200m’s200m of eachothereach other)?

I have access to map infoMapInfo and Arc gisArcGIS so any examples of this being done on those platforms would be great.

Appreciate the continued help guys



I have two sets of incident data from different sources but I would like to aggregate them together to provide one version of the truth.

These two sets of data will often contain the same incidents (based on date and time as well as location). But they come from two different organisations.

Does anyone please know of a good way of using spatial coordinates as well as the date and time of the events to intelligently identify when the incidents match ( say within the space of 30minutes and 200m’s of eachother)?

I have access to map info and Arc gis so any examples of this being done would be great.

Appreciate the continued help guys



I have two sets of incident data from different sources but I would like to aggregate them together to provide one version of the truth.

These two sets of data will often contain the same incidents (based on date and time as well as location). But they come from two different organisations.

Does anyone please know of a good way of using spatial coordinates as well as the date and time of the events to intelligently identify when the incidents match (say within 30min and 200m of each other)?

I have access to MapInfo and ArcGIS so any examples of this being done on those platforms would be great.

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Joining two different data sets using space and time (date and time)

I have two sets of incident data from different sources but I would like to aggregate them together to provide one version of the truth.

These two sets of data will often contain the same incidents (based on date and time as well as location). But they come from two different organisations.

Does anyone please know of a good way of using spatial coordinates as well as the date and time of the events to intelligently identify when the incidents match ( say within the space of 30minutes and 200m’s of eachother)?

I have access to map info and Arc gis so any examples of this being done would be great.

Appreciate the continued help guys

