Perhaps run this calculator expression on field Shape of your target:
def getSegment(ID):
f = arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters("HULLS","LABEL")
q="%s='%s'" %(f,ID)
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor("HULLS", 'Shape@',q) as cursor:
for row in cursor: pair=row[0]
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor("TARGET", 'Shape@',q) as cursor:
for row in cursor: shp=row[0]
m=shp.difference (pair)
return m
getSegment( !Label! )
Python expression above assumes:
- your target layer is stored as shapefile and named "TARGET" in the table of current mxd.
- eraser layer stored as shapefile and named "HULLS" in the table of current mxd.
- Common field in both layers is text field called "Label". If this not a case create such field in both and populate them from existing common fields.
NOTE: script modifies shapes in existing target layer, so create backup copy first.
First learn how to use advanced field calculator in arcgis.