I want to make a complicated symbology for my layer. Now it's categorized on column use and I want to add a term "If use=street, different symbology to lamp_type column (H=(x),L=(y) and otheres=others=(z)"
(x) (y) and (z) are symbols
I mean by that, that categorized symbology has another categorized symbology in it
does someone knows about a code that could do this jobI have two relevant columns one is "use" which contains [road, street, etc.] and the other is "lamp_type" which contains words like [HPS,LED,MH] etc. I need to make special symbology for me?every item in "use" and if the "use" is "street" I need to make special symbology for every item in "lamp_type"
Thanks a lot!!How can I set up symbology this way?