I'm working with QGIS 3.2 Bonn and try to set up a workflow with the graphics modellergraphic modeler.
The model uses the Intersection Tool from the QGIS Geoprocessing Tools. The model works, but I don't want to keep all fields from the intersection process.
In this case, the tool provides the possibility to set "Input fields to keep" from the input feature layer and "Intersect fields to keep" from the intersect feature layer. I tried different syntax possibilitieswas able to define thejust one field to keep, but in case of several fields to keep in the modeloutput, but didn't manage itI couldn't find any solution yet.
I tried different syntax possibilities:
- [attributefield1, attributefield2, ...]
- ["attributfield1", "attributefield2",...]
- "attributefield1", "attributefield2", ...
- 'attributefield1', 'attributefield1',...
In a QGIS online-manual ithe QGIS online-manual I found only this information:
*Input fields to keep [tablefield: any] [list]
Choose here the field(s) of the input layer to be kept. If no fields are chosen all fields are taken.Input fields to keep [tablefield: any] [list]
Choose here the field(s) of the input layer to be kept. If no fields are chosen all fields are taken.
How do I set the list of fields there?