I want to transform about 750 adressesaddresses into geocoded points. I´ve tried the plugins MMQGIS (Geocode) and Geopunt4Qgis but none of the things I´ve tried worked. Maybe its because the adressesaddresses are germanGerman or the table is not formatted correctly before I export it to a CSV file.
the table looks like this:
this is what I type in MMQGIS (the City is at the time a state, there is also no option for housenumbershouse numbers)
this is the error I get:
this is in Geopunt4Qgis (there is an option for housenumbershouse numbers but I don´t have the postal code)
I don´t necessarily need this to be done in QGIS - I just need a point shapefile so anyAny solutions apart from QgisQGIS are also welcome.
Any ideas?