There seems to be a bug in the data. Ncdump reads:
netcdf \3a-day {
AD = 2 ;
chn = 2 ;
nlon = 1440 ;
nlat = 536 ;
and Panolpy plots it correctly, while exporting to tif with GDAL returns a 536x1440 raster with coordinates flipped. So you can use this workaround:
gdal_translate -of VRT -gcp -67 180 180 -67 -gcp -67 -180 -180 -67 -gcp 67 180 180 67 -gcp 67 -180 -180 67 tmp.vrt
gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:4326 tmp.vrt warpout.tif
gdal_translate -a_ullr -180 67 180 -67 warpout.tif 3a-day.tif
Please check the result with a dataset that has an uneven placement of data around the world.
See also for a reply from the GDAL dev's.