I am running
Command '['C:\\OSGeo4W\\bin\\ogr2ogr.exe', '-progress', '-skipfailures', '-overwrite', '-lco', 'UPLOAD_GEOM_FORMAT=wkt',
'-t_srs', 'EPSG:28354', '-f', 'MSSQLSpatial', 'MSSQL:Server=xxx;Database=xxxGIS_Test;Trusted_Connect
ion=True', 'D:\\GIS_SourceData\\xxx\\HY_WATERBODY_STATE.tab', '-nln', 'DSE_HY_WATERBODY_STATE']'
But this is appending records to the table in MSSQL instead of overwriting the whole table?
Is there some switch to just tell it to update records/insert new ones or what should I do to get -overwrite to not append?
The _backup view is the original that was just backed up before running the command.
Is there a way in OGR to delete the table or delete the records in the table before overwrite?