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How to show a popup on mouse-over, not on click?How to show a popup on mouse-over, not on click?
I'm working with Leaflet library. I defined L.layerGroup and add some markers to the group. Can somebody help me with mouseover function on markers. I need to get function which will open popup when user mouseover on marker. How to write code for that function considering this coding I wrote? I'm new with Javascript so please consider that.
var cities = new L.layerGroup();
var city1 = new L.marker([35.896667,14.4625], {icon: myIcon} ).addTo(cities);
var city2 = new L.marker([35.882222,14.522222], {icon: myIcon} ).addTo(cities);
var city3 = new L.marker([35.840854,14.484347], {icon: myIcon} ).addTo(cities);