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I have about 50.000 small glacier rasters (rectangular shape) that need to be clipped to the glacier's extent. I have the glacier polygons stored in a large SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.

I want to use parallel computing or else it would take forever, I think. For previous tasks I've successfully used the mcmapplyfunction, but I am open for other approaches.

My (admittedly rudimentary) code so far is:

filenames <- list.files("/.../RGI60-13_reproj/", pattern="*.tif", full.names=F)
filelocations <- list.files("/.../RGI60-13_reproj/", pattern="*.tif", full.names=T)
glaciers <- readOGR("/.../13_rgi60_CentralAsia.shp",verbose=TRUE)

fun_clip <- function(filelocations, filenames, glaciers){
  r <- raster(filelocations)
  r <- crop(r,glaciers) # here I need to clarify the corresponding shp in the SPDF
  writeRaster(r, paste0("/.../RGI60-13_crop/",filenames))

mcmapply(fun_proj, filelocations, filenames, mc.cores = 50)

How can I give the crop-function the right iterative arguments? filelocationis of the same length as glaciers, so in a for-loopI would use something like r <- crop(r,glaciers[1]glaciers[i]), but how do I pass the iteration in my kind of function?
  What would be the way to introduce the i, so to speak?

I have about 50.000 small glacier rasters (rectangular shape) that need to be clipped to the glacier's extent. I have the glacier polygons stored in a large SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.

I want to use parallel computing or else it would take forever, I think. For previous tasks I've successfully used the mcmapplyfunction, but I am open for other approaches.

My (admittedly rudimentary) code so far is:

filenames <- list.files("/.../RGI60-13_reproj/", pattern="*.tif", full.names=F)
filelocations <- list.files("/.../RGI60-13_reproj/", pattern="*.tif", full.names=T)
glaciers <- readOGR("/.../13_rgi60_CentralAsia.shp",verbose=TRUE)

fun_clip <- function(filelocations, filenames, glaciers){
  r <- raster(filelocations)
  r <- crop(r,glaciers) # here I need to clarify the corresponding shp in the SPDF
  writeRaster(r, paste0("/.../RGI60-13_crop/",filenames))

mcmapply(fun_proj, filelocations, filenames, mc.cores = 50)

How can I give the crop-function the right iterative arguments? filelocationis of the same length as glaciers, so in a for-loopI would use something like r <- crop(r,glaciers[1]), but how do I pass the iteration in my kind of function?
  What would be the way to introduce the i, so to speak?

I have about 50.000 small glacier rasters (rectangular shape) that need to be clipped to the glacier's extent. I have the glacier polygons stored in a large SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.

I want to use parallel computing or else it would take forever, I think. For previous tasks I've successfully used the mcmapplyfunction, but I am open for other approaches.

My (admittedly rudimentary) code so far is:

filenames <- list.files("/.../RGI60-13_reproj/", pattern="*.tif", full.names=F)
filelocations <- list.files("/.../RGI60-13_reproj/", pattern="*.tif", full.names=T)
glaciers <- readOGR("/.../13_rgi60_CentralAsia.shp",verbose=TRUE)

fun_clip <- function(filelocations, filenames, glaciers){
  r <- raster(filelocations)
  r <- crop(r,glaciers) # here I need to clarify the corresponding shp in the SPDF
  writeRaster(r, paste0("/.../RGI60-13_crop/",filenames))

mcmapply(fun_proj, filelocations, filenames, mc.cores = 50)

How can I give the crop-function the right iterative arguments? filelocationis of the same length as glaciers, so in a for-loopI would use something like r <- crop(r,glaciers[i]), but how do I pass the iteration in my kind of function? What would be the way to introduce the i, so to speak?

clarified question
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I have about 50.000 small glacier rasters (rectangular shape) that need to be clipped to the glaciers' extentsglacier's extent. I also have the corresponding glacier polygons stored in a large SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.

I want to use parallel computing or else it would take forever, I think. For previous tasks I've successfully used the mcmapplyfunction, but I am open for other approaches.

My (admittedly rudimentary) code so far is:

filenames <- list.files("/.../RGI60-13_reproj/", pattern="*.tif", full.names=F)
filelocations <- list.files("/.../RGI60-13_reproj/", pattern="*.tif", full.names=T)
glaciers <- readOGR("/.../13_rgi60_CentralAsia.shp",verbose=TRUE)

fun_clip <- function(filelocations, filenames, glaciers){
  r <- raster(filelocations)
  r <- crop(r,glaciers) # here I need to clarify the corresponding positionshp in the dataframeSPDF
  writeRaster(r, paste0("/.../RGI60-13_crop/",filenames))

mcmapply(fun_proj, filelocations, filenames, mc.cores = 50)

How can I give the crop-function the right iterative arguments? filelocationis of the same length as glaciers, so in a for-loopI would use something like r <- crop(r,glaciers[1]), but how do I pass the iteration in my kind of function?
What would be the way to introduce the i, so to speak?

I have about 50.000 small glacier rasters (rectangular) that need to be clipped to the glaciers' extents. I also have the corresponding glacier polygons stored in a large SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.

I want to use parallel computing or else it would take forever, I think. For previous tasks I've successfully used the mcmapplyfunction, but I am open for other approaches.

My code so far is:

filenames <- list.files("/.../RGI60-13_reproj/", pattern="*.tif", full.names=F)
filelocations <- list.files("/.../RGI60-13_reproj/", pattern="*.tif", full.names=T)
glaciers <- readOGR("/.../13_rgi60_CentralAsia.shp",verbose=TRUE)

fun_clip <- function(filelocations, filenames, glaciers){
  r <- raster(filelocations)
  r <- crop(r,glaciers) # corresponding position in the dataframe
  writeRaster(r, paste0("/.../RGI60-13_crop/",filenames))

mcmapply(fun_proj, filelocations, filenames, mc.cores = 50)

How can I give the crop-function the right iterative arguments? filelocationis of the same length as glaciers, so in a for-loopI would use something like r <- crop(r,glaciers[1]), but how do I pass the iteration in my kind of function?
What would be the way to introduce the i, so to speak?

I have about 50.000 small glacier rasters (rectangular shape) that need to be clipped to the glacier's extent. I have the glacier polygons stored in a large SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.

I want to use parallel computing or else it would take forever, I think. For previous tasks I've successfully used the mcmapplyfunction, but I am open for other approaches.

My (admittedly rudimentary) code so far is:

filenames <- list.files("/.../RGI60-13_reproj/", pattern="*.tif", full.names=F)
filelocations <- list.files("/.../RGI60-13_reproj/", pattern="*.tif", full.names=T)
glaciers <- readOGR("/.../13_rgi60_CentralAsia.shp",verbose=TRUE)

fun_clip <- function(filelocations, filenames, glaciers){
  r <- raster(filelocations)
  r <- crop(r,glaciers) # here I need to clarify the corresponding shp in the SPDF
  writeRaster(r, paste0("/.../RGI60-13_crop/",filenames))

mcmapply(fun_proj, filelocations, filenames, mc.cores = 50)

How can I give the crop-function the right iterative arguments? filelocationis of the same length as glaciers, so in a for-loopI would use something like r <- crop(r,glaciers[1]), but how do I pass the iteration in my kind of function?
What would be the way to introduce the i, so to speak?

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Clipping multiple rasters by matching polygons from SPDF in R

I have about 50.000 small glacier rasters (rectangular) that need to be clipped to the glaciers' extents. I also have the corresponding glacier polygons stored in a large SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.

I want to use parallel computing or else it would take forever, I think. For previous tasks I've successfully used the mcmapplyfunction, but I am open for other approaches.

My code so far is:

filenames <- list.files("/.../RGI60-13_reproj/", pattern="*.tif", full.names=F)
filelocations <- list.files("/.../RGI60-13_reproj/", pattern="*.tif", full.names=T)
glaciers <- readOGR("/.../13_rgi60_CentralAsia.shp",verbose=TRUE)

fun_clip <- function(filelocations, filenames, glaciers){
  r <- raster(filelocations)
  r <- crop(r,glaciers) # corresponding position in the dataframe
  writeRaster(r, paste0("/.../RGI60-13_crop/",filenames))

mcmapply(fun_proj, filelocations, filenames, mc.cores = 50)

How can I give the crop-function the right iterative arguments? filelocationis of the same length as glaciers, so in a for-loopI would use something like r <- crop(r,glaciers[1]), but how do I pass the iteration in my kind of function?
What would be the way to introduce the i, so to speak?