Perhaps something like this might serve your eventual purpose:
import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\TestFolder"
#dbf table used for processing
dbf = "ProcessControlTable.dbf" # you don't need the full path because it's in the current workspace
#Column within dbf table containing file paths
myColumn = "FI_PATH"
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(dbf,[myColumn,'DoesExist']) as uCur:
for uRow in uCur:
if arcpy.Exists(uRow[0]):
# select the non-existing into a new table
arcpy.TableSelect_analysis(dbf,'DataNotExist.dbf',"DoesExist = '0'")
This adds a field 'DoesExist' to your dbf table then iterates the table recording if the dataset is found in the full path and finally extracts a table for just the files that don't exist. Beware though a 2nd iteration will fail at the add field stage as the field already exists.
Another viable option is using a python dictionary, which stores value pairs, in this case (fullPath,Exists) using the full path for the dataset as the key and exists/not exists as the value:
import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\TestFolder"
#dbf table used for processing
dbf = "ProcessControlTable.dbf" # you don't need the full path because it's in the current workspace
#Column within dbf table containing file paths
myColumn = "FI_PATH"
ExistsDict = {}
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(dbf,myColumn) as sCur:
for sRow in sCur:
if arcpy.Exists(sRow[0]):
for FC in ExistsDict: # loop through each dataset path and print if exists
print '{} exists value {}'.format(ExistsDict[FC])