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Buffering a polygon to match itsan area

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I have a large polygon (A) with a specific area. I also have another polygon (B) with area less than polygon A.

I want to buffer the polygon B so that its area becomes equal to the area of A.

from shapely.geometry import Polygon
ulx,uly= -105.645292, 28.094511
lrx, lry = -101.985052, 24.885167
poly_A = Polygon([(ulx,uly),(ulx,lry),(lrx,lry),(lrx,uly)])
print (poly_A.area)

ulx,uly= -110.398408,  58.136267
lrx, lry = -108.689382,  57.137692
poly_B = Polygon([(ulx,uly),(ulx,lry),(lrx,lry),(lrx,uly)])
print (poly_B.area)

buffer_size = (poly_A.area - poly_B.area) / poly_B.length
print (buffer_size)

poly_C = poly_B.buffer(buffer_size)
print (poly_C.area)

After knowing buffer_size, I can get bufferred polygon C with area equals to polygon A.

Note. All polygons dealt are rectangles. Both polygons are in latlon coordinates

I have a large polygon (A) with a specific area. I also have another polygon (B) with area less than polygon A.

I want to buffer the polygon B so that its area becomes equal to the area of A.

from shapely.geometry import Polygon
ulx,uly= -105.645292, 28.094511
lrx, lry = -101.985052, 24.885167
poly_A = Polygon([(ulx,uly),(ulx,lry),(lrx,lry),(lrx,uly)])
print (poly_A.area)

ulx,uly= -110.398408,  58.136267
lrx, lry = -108.689382,  57.137692
poly_B = Polygon([(ulx,uly),(ulx,lry),(lrx,lry),(lrx,uly)])
print (poly_B.area)

buffer_size = (poly_A.area - poly_B.area) / poly_B.length
print (buffer_size)

poly_C = poly_B.buffer(buffer_size)
print (poly_C.area)

After knowing buffer_size, I can get bufferred polygon C with area equals to polygon A.

Note. All polygons dealt are rectangles.

I have a large polygon (A) with a specific area. I also have another polygon (B) with area less than polygon A.

I want to buffer the polygon B so that its area becomes equal to the area of A.

from shapely.geometry import Polygon
ulx,uly= -105.645292, 28.094511
lrx, lry = -101.985052, 24.885167
poly_A = Polygon([(ulx,uly),(ulx,lry),(lrx,lry),(lrx,uly)])
print (poly_A.area)

ulx,uly= -110.398408,  58.136267
lrx, lry = -108.689382,  57.137692
poly_B = Polygon([(ulx,uly),(ulx,lry),(lrx,lry),(lrx,uly)])
print (poly_B.area)

buffer_size = (poly_A.area - poly_B.area) / poly_B.length
print (buffer_size)

poly_C = poly_B.buffer(buffer_size)
print (poly_C.area)

After knowing buffer_size, I can get bufferred polygon C with area equals to polygon A.

Note. All polygons dealt are rectangles. Both polygons are in latlon coordinates

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I have a large polygon (A) with a specific area. I also have another polygon (B) with area less than polygon A.

I want to buffer the polygon B so that its area becomes equal to the area of A.

area_poly_Afrom shapely.geometry import Polygon
ulx,uly= -105.645292, 28.094511
lrx, lry = poly_B-101.buffer985052, 24.885167
poly_A = Polygon(x[(ulx,uly),(ulx,lry),(lrx,lry),(lrx,uly)])
print (poly_A.area)

ulx,uly= -110.398408,  58.136267
lrx, lry = ?-108.689382,  57.137692
poly_B = Polygon([(ulx,uly),(ulx,lry),(lrx,lry),(lrx,uly)])
print (poly_B.area)

buffer_size = (poly_A.area - poly_B.area) / poly_B.length
print (buffer_size)

poly_C = poly_B.buffer(buffer_size)
print (poly_C.area)

After knowing xbuffer_size, I can get bufferred polygon B with exact buffer size. So expected output is the bufferedC with area equals to polygon BA.

Note. All polygons dealt are rectangles.

I have a large polygon (A) with a specific area. I also have another polygon (B) with area less than polygon A.

I want to buffer the polygon B so that its area becomes equal to the area of A.

area_poly_A = poly_B.buffer(x).area

x = ?

After knowing x, I can get bufferred polygon B with exact buffer size. So expected output is the buffered polygon B

I have a large polygon (A) with a specific area. I also have another polygon (B) with area less than polygon A.

I want to buffer the polygon B so that its area becomes equal to the area of A.

from shapely.geometry import Polygon
ulx,uly= -105.645292, 28.094511
lrx, lry = -101.985052, 24.885167
poly_A = Polygon([(ulx,uly),(ulx,lry),(lrx,lry),(lrx,uly)])
print (poly_A.area)

ulx,uly= -110.398408,  58.136267
lrx, lry = -108.689382,  57.137692
poly_B = Polygon([(ulx,uly),(ulx,lry),(lrx,lry),(lrx,uly)])
print (poly_B.area)

buffer_size = (poly_A.area - poly_B.area) / poly_B.length
print (buffer_size)

poly_C = poly_B.buffer(buffer_size)
print (poly_C.area)

After knowing buffer_size, I can get bufferred polygon C with area equals to polygon A.

Note. All polygons dealt are rectangles.

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