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QField QFieldSync: SynchronizeFromQField just opens the QField project

In the last days I have tried some things witham using QField with QGIS. But one function I don't really understand, or maybe it doesn't work properly?

tested with QGIS 3.22 / QField v1.10.0 / QField Sync 4.0.0-BETA17

What exactly is the purpose of the tool Synchronize from QField supposed to do?

Is the tool supposed to "transfer" the data from my QField project to my original QGIS project? Is it supposed to write /overwrite the changes from the QField-gpkg to the original QGIS-gpkg?.

I successfully created a QGIS-project project with relative paths (with data from a geopackage), successfully synced it with QField, opened and edited it on my mobile. After that, I transferred everything back to my PC.

I reopened the original QGIS project and specified the folder of the QField project in the SynchronizeFromQField tool menu (everything asas described on this website:in the Documentation).

A process then started (loading bar was displayed and layers disappeared from the layers window). But it seems that simply the QField-qgz project-file file was opened (the name of the QField project was displayed at the top of the QGIS window, no longer the name of the original-QGIS-project). After the process, the data paths are changed to those of the QField-gpkg Geopackage.

I can just open thisthe QField-qgz project in QGIS and get the same result.

The changes made on the mobile are all correctly present in the QField-gpkg Geopackage and are all correctly displayed in QGIS. What do I need the sync function for, if I can just open the Qfield project like this?

tested with QGIS 3.22 / QField v1.10.0 / QField Sync 4.0.0-BETA17

QField QFieldSync: SynchronizeFromQField just opens the QField project

In the last days I have tried some things with QField. But one function I don't really understand, or maybe it doesn't work properly?

tested with QGIS 3.22 / QField v1.10.0 / QField Sync 4.0.0-BETA17

What exactly is the tool Synchronize from QField supposed to do?

Is the tool supposed to "transfer" the data from my QField project to my original QGIS project? Is it supposed to write /overwrite the changes from the QField-gpkg to the original QGIS-gpkg?

I successfully created a QGIS-project with relative paths (with data from a geopackage), successfully synced it with QField, opened and edited it on my mobile. After that, I transferred everything back to my PC.

I reopened the original QGIS project and specified the folder of the QField project in the SynchronizeFromQField tool menu (everything as described on this website:

A process then started (loading bar was displayed and layers disappeared from the layers window). But it seems that simply the QField-qgz project-file was opened (the name of the QField project was displayed at the top of the QGIS window, no longer the name of the original-QGIS-project). After the process the data paths are changed to those of the QField-gpkg.

I can just open this QField-qgz in QGIS and get the same result.

The changes made on the mobile are all correctly present in the QField-gpkg and are all correctly displayed in QGIS. What do I need the sync function for, if I can just open the Qfield project like this?

SynchronizeFromQField just opens the QField project

I am using QField with QGIS. I don't understand the purpose of the tool Synchronize from QField.

I successfully created a QGIS project with relative paths (with data from a geopackage), successfully synced it with QField, opened and edited it on my mobile. After that, I transferred everything back to my PC.

I reopened the original QGIS project and specified the folder of the QField project in the SynchronizeFromQField tool menu (as described in the QField Documentation).

A process then started (loading bar was displayed and layers disappeared from the layers window). But it seems that simply the QField project file was opened. After the process, the data paths are changed to those of the QField Geopackage.

I can just open the QField project in QGIS and get the same result.

The changes made on the mobile are all correctly present in the QField Geopackage and are all correctly displayed in QGIS. What do I need the sync function for, if I can just open the Qfield project like this?

tested with QGIS 3.22 / QField v1.10.0 / QField Sync 4.0.0-BETA17

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QField QFieldSync: SynchronizeFromQField just opens the QField project

In the last days I have tried some things with QField. But one function I don't really understand, or maybe it doesn't work properly?

tested with QGIS 3.22 / QField v1.10.0 / QField Sync 4.0.0-BETA17

What exactly is the tool Synchronize from QField supposed to do?

Is the tool supposed to "transfer" the data from my QField project to my original QGIS project? Is it supposed to write /overwrite the changes from the QField-gpkg to the original QGIS-gpkg?

I successfully created a QGIS-project with relative paths (with data from a geopackage), successfully synced it with QField, opened and edited it on my mobile. After that, I transferred everything back to my PC.

I reopened the original QGIS project and specified the folder of the QField project in the SynchronizeFromQField tool menu (everything as described on this website:

A process then started (loading bar was displayed and layers disappeared from the layers window). But it seems that simply the QField-qgz project-file was opened (the name of the QField project was displayed at the top of the QGIS window, no longer the name of the original-QGIS-project). After the process the data paths are changed to those of the QField-gpkg.

I can just open this QField-qgz in QGIS and get the same result.

The changes made on the mobile are all correctly present in the QField-gpkg and are all correctly displayed in QGIS. What do I need the sync function for, if I can just open the Qfield project like this?