I know that slopes which are downhill from the nearest road are an important raster layer for my model (example application: cars carry seeds on their wheels. The seeds fall on the road and downhill from the road, allowing the weeds to spread). It's not enough to have a raster of each cell's distance to the nearest road or a raster of aspect by cardinal direction. I need to know if each cell is downhill or uphill from the nearest road, and if that hill is parallel to verses perpendicular to the nearest road. Ravines which are downhill from, adjacent to, and perpendicular to a nearby road are particularly important. What What I'm getting at is I need a raster layer of aspect relative to the nearest road. If my road is perfectly perpendicular to a hill, then to the right of my imaginary car on the road is uphill (arbitrarily assigned zero degrees) and to the left of my car is downhill (180 degrees). The road winds on the hill a little bit, so the entire hill isn't perfectly perpendicular to the road (which is where we get additional degree values). I have multiple roads and multiple hills, so I'll need to be sure to orient each hill to the proper road.
dem <- raster::raster('Filepath/ASTGTMV003_N34E032_dem.tif')
roads <- rgdal::readOGR('Filepath/hotosm_cyp_roads_lines_shp/hotosm_cyp_roads_lines.shp') # Note this is a large shapefile and takes a few minutes to read-in
# crop for testing
ext <- extent(32.7, 32.8, 34.9, 35.0)
rds <- crop(roads, ext)
dem <- crop(dem, ext)
# raster::extract() returns the value of the raster at the locations of vector data, so I can get the elevation of the roads at any point, but the extract() function returns a list, not a raster.
el_rd <- extract(x = dem,
y = rds, fun=NULL, na.rm=FALSE, cellnumbers=FALSE, df=FALSE, layer,
nl, factors=FALSE, along=FALSE, sp=FALSE)
# I think my workflow will look something like:
# Create new raster of each DEM grid cell to its nearest road
# For each grid cell, compare that elevation value to the elevation of the
# closest point on the closest road (downhill vs uphill from road)
# assign new raster layer based on relative height to and direction of the nearest road