I tried to setup routing in Spatialite following this guide. The setup of routing data was alright. I'm trying to achieve route from point to point that are not lying directly on the network. Im able to get the results right with using network nodes as points. Example query:
SELECT Algorithm, Request, Options, RouteId, RouteRow, Role, LinkRowid, NodeFrom, NodeTo, PointFrom, PointTo, Tolerance, Cost, Geometry, Name FROM route WHERE PointFrom = (select geometry from guzly where cis_uzlu='0314A013') AND PointTo = (select geometry from guzly where cis_uzlu='0314A004');
When I try to use points that do not lie exactly on nodes I get one row with 'null' results. Example query:
SELECT Algorithm, Request, Options, RouteId, RouteRow, Role, LinkRowid, NodeFrom, NodeTo, PointFrom, PointTo, Tolerance, Cost, Geometry, Name FROM route WHERE PointFrom = (makepoint(-967512.84770330, -707802.80109579)) AND PointTo = (makepoint(-983114.46396299, -694210.32858570));
Also I'm not able to change routing options as described in guide with this query:
UPDATE route SET Options = 'NO GEOMETRIES', Tolerance = 200;
Tolerance stays always 20 and Options 'Full'. I'm
Table route
after UPDATE:
I'm using QGIS DB manager as client.
Does anyone has a clue why are not working points aside from nodes?