# this code calls in ncdf files containing 3 hr daily PAR measurements for the global surface at 10km horizontal resolution. Once called, the netcdfs are converted to rasters, stacked, and then averaged to create a global PAR surface over the time period 1982-2018. Because of memory constraints on my machine, I had to add some loop structures that saved the netcdf to tifs then purged the memory. The loops index where in the process the next iteration needed to pick up from.
years <- seq(1984,2018) # this is the year range over which the data was collected and used to call data organized in files by year
quot = 0 # this is a step trigger that causes the loop to progress between year steps - it only increases once all NetCDFs for a year have been stacked, averaged, converted to a raster, and saved locally. ItQuot is determined by dividing the count of csvs created iteratively by the for loop and stored in a special working directory. When quot = 1, the year step progresses forward one (at least that was the goal) because the while loop is exited. After this progression, the working directory is deleted and the build up of quot begins again.
file_start_k = 0 # this is used to select the proper starting file following the data and garbage dump
yr_ct_dir<-"/Volumes/WD_BLACK/PAR/counts/" # csvs are saved in this file to signify the progression of years through the loop iterations
for(year in years){
#find all ncs in your directory
#get a list of all files with total_par in the name in your directory
files<-list.files(path=dir, pattern='.nc', full.names = TRUE)
#for calls
k = 1 # organization index
# this cycles through all files of indicated extension and pulls necessary data
while(quot < 1){
for (file in files){ #this loop translates netcdf stored info into rasters
if(file_start_k == 0){
print(k) #sometimes, you just gotta know...
files <- files[(file_start_k+1):500]
if(file_start_k > 0 && file_start_k < 2000){ # this determines which file within files to start with following the garbage dump
files <- files[(file_start_k+1):(file_start_k+500)]
if(file_start_k == 2000){
files <- files[(file_start_k+1):length(files)]
nc = nc_open(file)
total_par = ncvar_get(nc, "total_par")
z = rast(t(total_par))
ext(z)=c(-180, 180, -90, 90)
crs(z) = "epsg:4326"
temp <- brick(z)
nc = nc_open(file)
total_par = ncvar_get(nc, "total_par")
z = rast(t(total_par))
ext(z)=c(-180, 180, -90, 90)
crs(z) = "epsg:4326"
temp2 <-brick(z)
temp <- stack(temp,temp2)
k = k + 1
if (k > length(files)){ # this loop is necessary because of memory constraints on my machine
#removes NAs and averages rasters by year
write.csv(1,paste(yr_ct_dir,Sys.time(),".csv",sep="")) # this acts as within year index as reference for next iteration year used
write.csv(1,paste(dir,"/",Sys.time(),".csv",sep="")) # this acts as within year index to reference starting file
rs1 <- calc(temp,mean,na.rm=TRUE) # this creates a single tif which is the average of all files in the 500 stack
writeRaster(rs1,paste(dir, "/",year,"_",file_start_k,".tif",sep="")) # this saves the tif locally
# have to clear memory. so, built indexing system to recall where the process was
# clean up
rm(list=c("temp","temp2","total_par","z","nc", "rs1"))
# this chunk of black magic points the code to the proper directories and files to pick up from where the garbage dump above occurred.
year_csvs<-list.files(path="/Volumes/WD_BLACK/PAR/counts/", pattern='.csv', full.names = TRUE) # this calls the above csvs for counting
quot <- trunc(length(year_csvs)/5,0) #number of counts divided by 5. after 5, the year advances by one. removing the remainder provides the additive factor that modifies the minimum year of the year range such that it progresses every 5th 500th iteration
# year = year + quot # takes above additive factor and corrects age when necessary
dir <- paste("/Volumes/WD_BLACK/PAR/",year,sep="")
files_csvs <- list.files(path=dir, pattern='.csv', full.names = TRUE)
file_start_k <- length(files_csvs) * 500 # used to strip the files already ready from the files variable used to call each file
k = 1
if(quot == 1){
added link to more data for the big chunk of code at the bottom - also some information on what would need to be done to make the big chunk of code work on someone else's machine.
Eron Raines
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