Yes, you can reproject a layer in use without having to create a new one.
Unfortunately, no there is (still) no such short and simple method. It would shorten up things, but basically if there would be such a method, it would also have to iterate over the geometries to reproject them. Since the code can be really short I dont see much of an issue in doing it like:
layer = iface.activeLayer()
source_crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(
target_crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem("EPSG:25832")
with edit(layer):
for feat in layer.getFeatures():
# you need to store the geometry in a variable to reproject it; you can not reproject without doing so
geom = feat.geometry()
# transform the geometry
geom.transform(QgsCoordinateTransform(source_crs, target_crs, QgsProject.instance()))
# now update the features geometry
# dont forget to update the feature, otherwise the changes will have no effect
# finally simply set the layers crs to the new one
Also see: