I am currently trying to retrieve some data on intercity bus travel from (https://www.bts.gov/intercity-busing/data-maps-and-apps). The data is only available as an interactive map, but I need to retrieve it into something I can analyze in Python such as a .json or .csv. To this end I found a url that I can make queries at (https://geo.dot.gov/server/rest/services/IntercityBus/nbta_routes_20190120/FeatureServer/query) and found that this problem was similar to (Query Feature Service on ESRI ArcGIS REST API with Python Requests).
My question is howHow can I use this query tool to retrieve all of the data.? I think I need to figure out what keys work, because I tried entering "*" or similar "all" files but could not get any of the data returned.