I have hundreds of very large TIFFs which were georeferenced 15+ years ago using ArcGIS 9.2. Viewing them in ArcMap 9.2 the images are properly located and sized/warped on the map. However, they need to be rectified to the final projection. The GCPs are embedded in the TIF and also in the tif.xml file.
While I can achieve warping to a final rectified image using the Clip tool, it takes a long time for each image.
I've tried using GDAL warp utilities to do this, but am getting empty final images (all black).
\OSGeo4W\bin\gdalwarp.exe -overwrite -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE IQALUIT_1948_A11535_043.tif out.tif
\OSGeo4W\bin\gdalwarp.exe -overwrite --config GDAL_GEOREF_SOURCES PAM -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE IQALUIT_1948_A11535_043.tif out.tif