A map in my ArcGIS Pro 3.0.3 project has a layer with a Query Feature Class as its source. I can see the SQL that defines the Query Feature Class by looking at its Layer Properties. That SQL is based on tables in an SQL Server Enterprise Geodatabase.
I can get at many properties of the layer using the test code below:
import arcpy
aprx = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject(r"\\testfolder\testproject.aprx")
mapx = aprx.listMaps("Test Map")[0]
lyrx = mapx.listLayers("Test Layer")[0]
arcpy.AddMessage(f"Layer Name: {lyrx.name}")
arcpy.AddMessage(f"Data Source: {lyrx.dataSource}")
arcpy.AddMessage(f"Definition Query: {lyrx.definitionQuery}")
arcpy.AddMessage(f"Connection Properties: {lyrx.connectionProperties}")
# definition_queries = lyrx.listDefinitionQueries
arcpy.AddMessage(f"Definition Queries: {lyrx.listDefinitionQueries()}")
# Create a Describe object from the feature layer.
desc = arcpy.Describe(lyrx)
# Print some properties of the feature layer, and its featureclass.
arcpy.AddMessage("Name String: " + desc.nameString)
arcpy.AddMessage("Where Clause: " + desc.whereClause)
arcpy.AddMessage("Feature class type: " + desc.featureClass.featureType)
desc = arcpy.da.Describe(lyrx)
for k, v in desc.items():
arcpy.AddMessage(f"{k}: {v}")
None of these are able to access the SQL code that defines the Query Feature Class. The last part of the code iterates all of the Describe properties of the Layer object and fails to find it.
Is there aany way to bring the SQL code that defines the Query Feature Class into a Python variable for me to work with?