I'm using OpenLayers to consume various public WMS services. Out of 13 services, I'm encountering issues with two of them.
For the first service, there is a style named "inspire_common:DEFAULT". This name is what I obtained from the GetCapabilities request, so I presumed that I could request it. However, when I do, I receive an error message saying "WMS server error. Style (inspire_common:DEFAULT) not defined on layer." When I request just "DEFAULT", it works. Is it necessary to check for colons in the style name?
The second issue involves another service that does not accept "LAYERS" as a parameter name, but instead accepts "LAYER", without an "S". Is there a way to verify this beforehand?
Interestingly, neither of these issues are present when I consume these services in QGIS. Can anyone provide insights on how to resolve these issues?
Style: inspire_common:DEFAULT