Wondering if anyone can assist. I have a need to have the JSON geometry string of my features written into a text field of the features attribute table. Currently I use Calculate Field and then with Expression Type set as Python 3, I use !Shape!.JSON to get the geometry of my shape written in the JSON format.
An example of the output is as below:
However the resulting string has the coordinate system reference (in BOLD above) included at the end of the string. I need to be able to exclude the CRS information. I found a C# code example for exporting geometries to JSON which includes the ability to set an export flag to exclude the CRS info when writing the JSON string out. However I need to implement this in the Calculate Field environment using either Python 3 or Arcade.
Failing this being possible, in what environment would I be able to implement the C# code? Here is a link to the ESRI page with the example referred to above: https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/sdk/api-reference/topic8167.html