"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
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"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBS003705""20DOI_SUBS012522",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43CH02""43PN02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "1",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "1",
"PosteM_9": "0",
"PosteM_10": "1",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "1335.76",
"TM_Estado": "1421,4",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(MJP) Rua da Fonte Santa – Alqueidão (39.37520 -8.60581).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Necessário também substituir 3 postes. O poste da caixa 0201057 é de 8 metros com espia e acessórios RAD. Os dois postes seguintes, na direção da caixa 0201056 são respetivamente de 8 metros e de 10 m"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
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"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBS018407",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43TZ01",
"ACL_DESC": "(43TZ01) TREMEZ",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "1",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "1",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "1""0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "935"179.41"71",
"TM_Estado": "1448"1411,3"2",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(GV) Estrada PrincipalOuteiro –da BiscainhoCortiçada para Correias, Apoio FO72 (3839.91026345886, -8.64221"795743).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Subst 3 postes 9m e aprumar outro junto Est principal Biscainho.Postes c/ bases podres s/ condições"Proceder segurança.substituição Substituirde postesposte FO6de (PD9 0202030T)metros p/em postemau betãoestado 9\\450kgf, FO7e (c/apear espia).Apearcabo posterad e"desativo"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
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"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBC006581""20DOI_SUBS023353",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43SO02""43AN02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "1",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "1",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "365"317.30"13",
"TM_Estado": "1439"1398,4"2",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(MJPGV) Local:Rua EN365da Aroeira – AtalaiaVale de Figueira (39.229163,32372 -8.77290362243).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Necessário substituir caboposte conforme9 esquemametros emda anexocaixa 0202052. CaboPoste passacom porduas cimaespias, denecessário moradiasubstituir euma estádelas roçadopara noque telhadofique corretamente na bissetriz." Tensionar corretamente cabos RAL e apear cabos R"
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"Nemesis": "20DOI_A6SC012522""20DOI_SUBS042993",
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"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43PN02""43ST01",
"Data_importacao": "2024-CASEVEL"01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "1",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "0",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "1",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "190.71",
"TM_Estado": "1358",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(AT) - Rua da Imaculada Conceição S/N – Santarém. Coordenadas: 39.228387, -8.679285",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Substituir um poste de 9mt em mau estado de conservação (furado do Pica-pau)."
"type": "Feature",
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"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBS048112",
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"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43AN02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "1",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "1""0",
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"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "1",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "249.27",
"TM_Estado": "1342,5",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(MJP) Tojosa (São Vicente do Paúl), nas coordenadas 39.340345 -8.634911",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Necessário substituir poste de 8m que se encontra todo furado pelo pica pau. O poste em questão é o poste do PD AA01001 de 43AN02."
"type": "Feature",
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"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBS060457",
"Estado": "G",
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"ACL": "43RM01",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "1",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
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"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "1",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "283.09",
"TM_Estado": "1305,6",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(TA) Rua de S. Brás , Casais de S. Brás ,Coord: 39.306305, -8.712596",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Traçado RAD antigo em postes de 8mt em que se verifica-se a necessidade de instalar um poste de madeira de 9mt em travessia de estrada, instalar 1 travessa, instalar 200mt de cabo Drop definitivamente passando pelo novo poste e apear poste desativado de 8"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
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"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBS081862",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43AD03",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "1",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
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"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
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"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
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"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "1335"243.76"07",
"TM_Estado": "1421"1245,4"5",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(MJPTA) Rua da Fonte Santa –Valverde Alqueidão- (39.37520464981, -8.60581)."860203",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Necessário também substituir 3 postes. O poste da caixa 0201057 é de 8 metros com espia e acessórios RAD. Os dois postes seguintes,"43AD01GP310 na- direçãoJSO42 da- caixaPoste 0201056A2 são- respetivamentePoste de 89m metrosdegradado eque deé 10necessário m"substituir"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
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"Nemesis": "20DOI_A6CC018407""20DOI_SUBS118230",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43TZ01""43AD01",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "1",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "1""0",
"PosteM_10": "0",
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"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0""1",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "179"479.71"82",
"TM_Estado": "1411"1152,2"3",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(GVTA) EstradaPoste Outeirode daPDO497, CortiçadaRua parada CorreiasPiçarra, ApoioMosteiros FO72– (Alcanede. Coordenadas: 39.345886427161, -8.795743).841953 ",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Proceder"Necessário substituiçãocriar NS para substituir poste de 9mt podre por poste de 912mt, metroscolocar emo maunovo estadoposte na via publica junto ao muro e apearinstalar caboespia. radSegue desativo"em anexo o orçamento."
"type": "Feature",
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"type": "Point",
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"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBS023353""20DOI_SUBS127368",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43AN02""43PN01",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "1""0",
"DOI_SUBC": "0""1",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "1""0",
"PosteM_10": "0",
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"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0""1",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "317"164.13"42",
"TM_Estado": "1398"1134,2"4",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(GVTA) Rua daComendador AroeiraJosé –Gonçalves ValePereira, de139 Figueira– (Pernes: Coordenadas: 39.32372385651, -8.62243).662150 ",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Necessário"Apear substituirdois postepostes 9de metrosmadeira daonde caixaforam 0202052.colocados Postetês compostes duasde espias,betão necessárioe substituirpassar umacabo delasRAD para que fique corretamenteos nanovos bissetrizpostes. Tensionar corretamente cabos RAL e apear cabos R""
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
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"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBS003705",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43CH02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "1",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "1",
"PosteM_9": "0",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "1",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "935.41",
"TM_Estado": "1448,3",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(GV) Estrada Principal – Biscainho (38.91026 -8.64221",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Subst 3 postes 9m e aprumar outro junto Est principal Biscainho.Postes c/ bases podres s/ condições segurança. Substituir postes FO6 (PD 0202030T) p/ poste betão 9\\450kgf, FO7 (c/ espia).Apear poste e"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
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"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBC006581",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43SO02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "1",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "1",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "365.30",
"TM_Estado": "1439,4",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(MJP) Local: EN365 – Atalaia (39.229163, -8.772903).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Necessário substituir cabo conforme esquema em anexo. Cabo passa por cima de moradia e está roçado no telhado."
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_A6SC012522",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43PN02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "1",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "1",
"PosteM_9": "0",
"PosteM_10": "1",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "1335.76",
"TM_Estado": "1421,4",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(MJP) Rua da Fonte Santa – Alqueidão (39.37520 -8.60581).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Necessário também substituir 3 postes. O poste da caixa 0201057 é de 8 metros com espia e acessórios RAD. Os dois postes seguintes, na direção da caixa 0201056 são respetivamente de 8 metros e de 10 m"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
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"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_A6CC018407",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43TZ01",
"ACL_DESC": "(43TZ01) TREMEZ",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "1",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "1",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "179.71",
"TM_Estado": "1411,2",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(GV) Estrada Outeiro da Cortiçada para Correias, Apoio FO72 (39.345886, -8.795743).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Proceder substituição de poste de 9 metros em mau estado e apear cabo rad desativo"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBS023353",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43AN02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "1",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "1",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "317.13",
"TM_Estado": "1398,2",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(GV) Rua da Aroeira – Vale de Figueira (39.32372 -8.62243).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Necessário substituir poste 9 metros da caixa 0202052. Poste com duas espias, necessário substituir uma delas para que fique corretamente na bissetriz. Tensionar corretamente cabos RAL e apear cabos R"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBS012522",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43PN02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "1",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "1",
"PosteM_9": "0",
"PosteM_10": "1",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "1335.76",
"TM_Estado": "1421,4",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(MJP) Rua da Fonte Santa – Alqueidão (39.37520 -8.60581).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Necessário também substituir 3 postes. O poste da caixa 0201057 é de 8 metros com espia e acessórios RAD. Os dois postes seguintes, na direção da caixa 0201056 são respetivamente de 8 metros e de 10 m"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBS018407",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43TZ01",
"ACL_DESC": "(43TZ01) TREMEZ",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "1",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "1",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "179.71",
"TM_Estado": "1411,2",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(GV) Estrada Outeiro da Cortiçada para Correias, Apoio FO72 (39.345886, -8.795743).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Proceder substituição de poste de 9 metros em mau estado e apear cabo rad desativo"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBS023353",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43AN02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "1",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "1",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "317.13",
"TM_Estado": "1398,2",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(GV) Rua da Aroeira – Vale de Figueira (39.32372 -8.62243).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Necessário substituir poste 9 metros da caixa 0202052. Poste com duas espias, necessário substituir uma delas para que fique corretamente na bissetriz. Tensionar corretamente cabos RAL e apear cabos R"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBS042993",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43ST01",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "1",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "0",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "1",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "190.71",
"TM_Estado": "1358",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(AT) - Rua da Imaculada Conceição S/N – Santarém. Coordenadas: 39.228387, -8.679285",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Substituir um poste de 9mt em mau estado de conservação (furado do Pica-pau)."
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBS048112",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43AN02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "1",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
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"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "0",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
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"PosteB_8_450": "1",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "249.27",
"TM_Estado": "1342,5",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(MJP) Tojosa (São Vicente do Paúl), nas coordenadas 39.340345 -8.634911",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Necessário substituir poste de 8m que se encontra todo furado pelo pica pau. O poste em questão é o poste do PD AA01001 de 43AN02."
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
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"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBS060457",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43RM01",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
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"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
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"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "1",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "283.09",
"TM_Estado": "1305,6",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(TA) Rua de S. Brás , Casais de S. Brás ,Coord: 39.306305, -8.712596",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Traçado RAD antigo em postes de 8mt em que se verifica-se a necessidade de instalar um poste de madeira de 9mt em travessia de estrada, instalar 1 travessa, instalar 200mt de cabo Drop definitivamente passando pelo novo poste e apear poste desativado de 8"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBS081862",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43AD03",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "1",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "0",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "1",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "243.07",
"TM_Estado": "1245,5",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(TA) Valverde - 39.464981, -8.860203",
"Descricao_Observacao": "43AD01GP310 - JSO42 - Poste A2 - Poste de 9m degradado que é necessário substituir"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBS118230",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43AD01",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "1",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "0",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
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"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "1",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "479.82",
"TM_Estado": "1152,3",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(TA) Poste de PDO497, Rua da Piçarra, Mosteiros – Alcanede. Coordenadas: 39.427161, -8.841953 ",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Necessário criar NS para substituir poste de 9mt podre por poste de 12mt, colocar o novo poste na via publica junto ao muro e instalar espia. Segue em anexo o orçamento."
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBS127368",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43PN01",
"ACL_DESC": "(43PN01) PERNES",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "1",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "0",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "1",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "164.42",
"TM_Estado": "1134,4",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(TA) Rua Comendador José Gonçalves Pereira, 139 – Pernes: Coordenadas: 39.385651, -8.662150 ",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Apear dois postes de madeira onde foram colocados tês postes de betão e passar cabo RAD para os novos postes."
I´m using the groupedlayers with empty "dummy" layer groups that are only used to enable or disable filters for the GeoJSON layer when selected/unselected in the layers control. Layers Layers DOI_A6SC, DOI_A6SC, DOI_SUBS, and DOI_SUCC include all markers.
How should I do it so that when selecting one or more layers (DOI_A6SC, DOI_A6SC, DOI_SUBS, DOI_SUCC), and one or more secondary layers, only the markers that have feature.properties.DOI_A6SC == '1'feature.properties.DOI_A6SC == '1'
and feature.properties.PosteM_8 == '1'feature.properties.PosteM_8 == '1'
, for example.
I´m using the groupedlayers with empty "dummy" layer groups that are only used to enable or disable filters for the GeoJSON layer when selected/unselected in the layers control. Layers DOI_A6SC, DOI_A6SC, DOI_SUBS, and DOI_SUCC include all markers. How should I do it so that when selecting one or more layers (DOI_A6SC, DOI_A6SC, DOI_SUBS, DOI_SUCC), and one or more secondary layers, only the markers that have feature.properties.DOI_A6SC == '1' and feature.properties.PosteM_8 == '1', for example.
I´m using the groupedlayers with empty "dummy" layer groups that are only used to enable or disable filters for the GeoJSON layer when selected/unselected in the layers control. Layers DOI_A6SC, DOI_A6SC, DOI_SUBS, and DOI_SUCC include all markers.
How should I do it so that when selecting one or more layers (DOI_A6SC, DOI_A6SC, DOI_SUBS, DOI_SUCC), and one or more secondary layers, only the markers that have feature.properties.DOI_A6SC == '1'
and feature.properties.PosteM_8 == '1'
, for example.
Multiple layer Multi-layer control filters without marker overlapwith more than one feature.properties option selected
I´m using the leaflet-groupedlayercontrol plugin with empty "dummy" layer groups that are only used to enable or disable filters for the GeoJSON layer when selected/unselected in the layers control. Layers DOI_A6SC, DOI_A6SC, DOI_SUBS, and DOI_SUCC include all markers. How should I do it so that when I select one or more secondary layers, only those layers are selected without the markers overlapping?
Example GeoJSON:
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBS003705",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43CH02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "1",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "1",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "1",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "935.41",
"TM_Estado": "1448,3",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(GV) Estrada Principal – Biscainho (38.91026 -8.64221",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Subst 3 postes 9m e aprumar outro junto Est principal Biscainho.Postes c/ bases podres s/ condições segurança. Substituir postes FO6 (PD 0202030T) p/ poste betão 9\\450kgf, FO7 (c/ espia).Apear poste e"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBC006581",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43SO02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "1",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "0",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "365.30",
"TM_Estado": "1439,4",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(MJP) Local: EN365 – Atalaia (39.229163, -8.772903).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Necessário substituir cabo conforme esquema em anexo. Cabo passa por cima de moradia e está roçado no telhado."
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_A6SC012522",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43PN02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "1",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "1",
"PosteM_9": "0",
"PosteM_10": "1",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "1335.76",
"TM_Estado": "1421,4",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(MJP) Rua da Fonte Santa – Alqueidão (39.37520 -8.60581).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Necessário também substituir 3 postes. O poste da caixa 0201057 é de 8 metros com espia e acessórios RAD. Os dois postes seguintes, na direção da caixa 0201056 são respetivamente de 8 metros e de 10 m"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_A6CC018407",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43TZ01",
"ACL_DESC": "(43TZ01) TREMEZ",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "1",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "1",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "179.71",
"TM_Estado": "1411,2",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(GV) Estrada Outeiro da Cortiçada para Correias, Apoio FO72 (39.345886, -8.795743).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Proceder substituição de poste de 9 metros em mau estado e apear cabo rad desativo"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBS023353",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43AN02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "1",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "1",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "317.13",
"TM_Estado": "1398,2",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(GV) Rua da Aroeira – Vale de Figueira (39.32372 -8.62243).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Necessário substituir poste 9 metros da caixa 0202052. Poste com duas espias, necessário substituir uma delas para que fique corretamente na bissetriz. Tensionar corretamente cabos RAL e apear cabos R"
I want to use leaflet-groupedlayercontrol plugin with empty "dummy" layer groups that are only used to enable or disable filters for the GeoJSON layer when selected/unselected in the layers control. But the markers don't appear on the map and with groupCheckboxes = true it also doesn't group the layers. How can I solve this?
I´m using the groupedlayers with empty "dummy" layer groups that are only used to enable or disable filters for the GeoJSON layer when selected/unselected in the layers control. Layers DOI_A6SC, DOI_A6SC, DOI_SUBS, and DOI_SUCC include all markers. How should I do it so that when selecting one or more layers (DOI_A6SC, DOI_A6SC, DOI_SUBS, DOI_SUCC), and one or more secondary layers, only the markers that have feature.properties.DOI_A6SC == '1' and feature.properties.PosteM_8 == '1', for example.
"type": "FeatureCollection""Feature",
"features" "geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBS003705",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43CH02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "1",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "1",
"PosteM_9": "0",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "1",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "935.41",
"TM_Estado": "1448,3",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(GV) Estrada Principal – Biscainho (38.91026 -8.64221",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Subst 3 postes 9m e aprumar outro junto Est principal Biscainho.Postes c/ bases podres s/ condições segurança. Substituir postes FO6 (PD 0202030T) p/ poste betão 9\\450kgf, FO7 (c/ espia).Apear poste e"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"state""Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBC006581",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "16""43",
"PostM_8""ACL": "43SO02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "1",
"PostM_9""PosteM_7": "0",
"PostM_10""PosteM_8": "0",
"PostM_12""PosteM_9": "1",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PostB_8_450""PosteM_12": "0",
"CVP"PosteM_15": ""0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "1""0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "1""0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"TM_State""Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "677"0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "365.30",
"TM_Estado": "1439,4",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(MJP) Local: EN365 – Atalaia (39.229163, -8.772903).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Necessário substituir cabo conforme esquema em anexo. Cabo passa por cima de moradia e está roçado no telhado."
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"state""Nemesis": "B""20DOI_A6SC012522",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "14""43",
"PostM_8""ACL": "43PN02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "1",
"PostM_9""DOI_A6CC": "0",
"PostM_10""DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "1",
"PostM_12""PosteM_9": "0",
"PostB_8_450""PosteM_10": "1",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"CVP"PosteM_15": ""0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "1""0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"TM_State"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "1335.76",
"TM_Estado": "1421,4",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(MJP) Rua da Fonte Santa – Alqueidão (39.37520 -8.60581).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "1037"Necessário também substituir 3 postes. O poste da caixa 0201057 é de 8 metros com espia e acessórios RAD. Os dois postes seguintes,3" na direção da caixa 0201056 são respetivamente de 8 metros e de 10 m"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"state""Nemesis": "20DOI_A6CC018407",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "14""43",
"PostM_8""ACL": "43TZ01",
"ACL_DESC": "(43TZ01) TREMEZ",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "1",
"PostM_9""DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "1",
"PostM_10""PosteM_10": "0",
"PostM_12""PosteM_12": "0",
"PostB_8_450""PosteM_15": "0",
"CVP"PosteB_8_450": ""0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"TM_State""Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "940"0",3"
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "179.71",
"TM_Estado": "1411,2",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(GV) Estrada Outeiro da Cortiçada para Correias, Apoio FO72 (39.345886, -8.795743).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Proceder substituição de poste de 9 metros em mau estado e apear cabo rad desativo"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBS023353",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43AN02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "1",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "1",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "317.13",
"TM_Estado": "1398,2",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(GV) Rua da Aroeira – Vale de Figueira (39.32372 -8.62243).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Necessário substituir poste 9 metros da caixa 0202052. Poste com duas espias, necessário substituir uma delas para que fique corretamente na bissetriz. Tensionar corretamente cabos RAL e apear cabos R"
var selectCondition = [];
var selectLayer = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 35; i++) {
selectCondition[i] = false;
selectLayer[i] = L.layerGroup();
selectLayer[i].myId = i;
var baseMaps = {
"OSM": osm,
'Google Street': googleStreets,
"Google Satellite": googleSat,
var mcg = L.markerClusterGroup.layerSupport({
chunkedLoading: true,
chunkInterval: 100,
chunkProgress: updateProgressBar
var overlayMaps = {
'Todos': {
'Postes': {
'PosteM 7m': selectLayer[4],
'PosteM 8m': selectLayer[5],
'PosteM 9m': selectLayer[6],
'PosteM 10m': selectLayer[7],
'PosteM 12m': selectLayer[8],
'PosteM 15m': selectLayer[9],
'PosteB 8m 450Kg': selectLayer[10],
'PosteB 9m 450Kg': selectLayer[11],
'PosteB 9m 800Kg': selectLayer[12],
'PosteB 9m 1200Kg': selectLayer[13],
'PosteB 10m 800Kg': selectLayer[14],
'PosteB 10m 1800Kg': selectLayer[15]
'CVP´s': {
'CVP_Redonda': selectLayer[16],
'NR1_D400': selectLayer[17],
'NR1_B125': selectLayer[18],
'NR2_D400': selectLayer[19],
'NR2_B125': selectLayer[20],
'NR3_D400': selectLayer[21],
'NR3_B125': selectLayer[22]
'Tipo Trabalhos': {
'Trabalhos Fibra Cabo': selectLayer[23],
'Trabalhos Fibra Juntista': selectLayer[24],
'Trabalhos Cobre Cabo': selectLayer[25],
'Trabalhos Cobre Juntista': selectLayer[26]
'Antiguidade': {
'[000-015[': selectLayer[27],
'[015-030[': selectLayer[28],
'[030-060[': selectLayer[29],
'[060-120[': selectLayer[30],
'[120-280[': selectLayer[31],
'[280-360[': selectLayer[32],
'[360-720[': selectLayer[33],
'[720-%[': selectLayer[34]
var options = {
groupCheckboxes: false,
collapsed: false
L.control.groupedLayers(baseMaps, overlayMaps, options).addTo(map);
var report = L.geoJSON(null, {
filter: function(feature, layer) {
var cond0 = ((feature.properties.DOI_A6SC == '1') && selectCondition[0]);
var cond1 = ((feature.properties.DOI_A6CC == '1') && selectCondition[1]);
var cond2 = ((feature.properties.DOI_SUBS == '1') && selectCondition[2]);
var cond3 = ((feature.properties.DOI_SUBC == '1') && selectCondition[3]);
var cond4 = ((feature.properties.PosteM_7 == '1') && selectCondition[4]);
var cond5 = ((feature.properties.PosteM_8 == '1') && selectCondition[5]);
var cond6 = ((feature.properties.PosteM_9 == '1') && selectCondition[6]);
var cond7 = ((feature.properties.PosteM_10 == '1') && selectCondition[7]);
var cond8 = ((feature.properties.PosteM_12 == '1') && selectCondition[8]);
var cond9 = ((feature.properties.PosteM_15 == '1') && selectCondition[9]);
var cond10 = ((feature.properties.PosteB_8_450 == '1') && selectCondition[10]);
var cond11 = ((feature.properties.PosteB_9_450 == '1') && selectCondition[11]);
var cond12 = ((feature.properties.PosteB_9_800 == '1') && selectCondition[12]);
var cond13 = ((feature.properties.PosteB_9_1200 == '1') && selectCondition[13]);
var cond14 = ((feature.properties.PosteB_10_800 == '1') && selectCondition[14]);
var cond15 = ((feature.properties.PosteB_10_1800 == '1') && selectCondition[15]);
var cond16 = ((feature.properties.CVP_Redonda == '1') && selectCondition[16]);
var cond17 = ((feature.properties.NR1_D400 == '1') && selectCondition[17]);
var cond18 = ((feature.properties.NR1_B125 == '1') && selectCondition[18]);
var cond19 = ((feature.properties.NR2_D400 == '1') && selectCondition[19]);
var cond20 = ((feature.properties.NR2_B125 == '1') && selectCondition[20]);
var cond21 = ((feature.properties.NR3_D400 == '1') && selectCondition[21]);
var cond22 = ((feature.properties.NR3_B125 == '1') && selectCondition[22]);
var cond23 = ((feature.properties.Trab_Fibra_Cabo == '1') && selectCondition[23]);
var cond24 = ((feature.properties.Trab_Fibra_Juntista == '1') && selectCondition[24]);
var cond25 = ((feature.properties.Trab_Cobre_Cabo == '1') && selectCondition[25]);
var cond26 = ((feature.properties.Trab_Cobre_Juntista == '1') && selectCondition[26]);
var cond27 = ((feature.properties.TM_Estado_Interv == '[000-015[') && selectCondition[27]);
var cond28 = ((feature.properties.TM_Estado_Interv == '[015-030[') && selectCondition[28]);
var cond29 = ((feature.properties.TM_Estado_Interv == '[030-060[') && selectCondition[29]);
var cond30 = ((feature.properties.TM_Estado_Interv == '[060-120[') && selectCondition[30]);
var cond31 = ((feature.properties.TM_Estado_Interv == '[120-280[') && selectCondition[31]);
var cond32 = ((feature.properties.TM_Estado_Interv == '[280-360[') && selectCondition[32]);
var cond33 = ((feature.properties.TM_Estado_Interv == '[360-720[') && selectCondition[33]);
var cond34 = ((feature.properties.TM_Estado_Interv == '[720-%[') && selectCondition[34]);
return (cond0 || cond1 || cond2 || cond3 || cond4 || cond5 || cond6 || cond7 || cond8 || cond9 || cond10
|| cond11 || cond12 || cond13 || cond14 || cond15 || cond16 || cond17 || cond18 || cond19
|| cond20 || cond21 || cond22 || cond23 || cond24 || cond25 || cond26 || cond27 || cond28
|| cond29 || cond30 || cond31 || cond32 || cond33 || cond34);
pointToLayer: function (feature, latlng) {
return new L.marker(latlng, {
icon: myIcon, draggable: false});
onEachFeature: setPopup_nemesis_materiais
var geojsonData;
var url = './markers/markers.json';
.then(response => {
return response.json();
.then(json => {
geojsonData = json;
map.on('overlayadd', function(evt) {
var i = evt.layer.myId;
selectCondition[i] = true;
map.on('overlayremove', function(evt) {
var i = evt.layer.myId;
selectCondition[i] = false;
Multiple layer control filters without marker overlap
I´m using the leaflet-groupedlayercontrol plugin with empty "dummy" layer groups that are only used to enable or disable filters for the GeoJSON layer when selected/unselected in the layers control. Layers DOI_A6SC, DOI_A6SC, DOI_SUBS, and DOI_SUCC include all markers. How should I do it so that when I select one or more secondary layers, only those layers are selected without the markers overlapping?
Example GeoJSON:
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBS003705",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43CH02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "1",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "1",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "1",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "935.41",
"TM_Estado": "1448,3",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(GV) Estrada Principal – Biscainho (38.91026 -8.64221",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Subst 3 postes 9m e aprumar outro junto Est principal Biscainho.Postes c/ bases podres s/ condições segurança. Substituir postes FO6 (PD 0202030T) p/ poste betão 9\\450kgf, FO7 (c/ espia).Apear poste e"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBC006581",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43SO02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "1",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "0",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "365.30",
"TM_Estado": "1439,4",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(MJP) Local: EN365 – Atalaia (39.229163, -8.772903).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Necessário substituir cabo conforme esquema em anexo. Cabo passa por cima de moradia e está roçado no telhado."
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_A6SC012522",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43PN02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "1",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "1",
"PosteM_9": "0",
"PosteM_10": "1",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "1335.76",
"TM_Estado": "1421,4",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(MJP) Rua da Fonte Santa – Alqueidão (39.37520 -8.60581).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Necessário também substituir 3 postes. O poste da caixa 0201057 é de 8 metros com espia e acessórios RAD. Os dois postes seguintes, na direção da caixa 0201056 são respetivamente de 8 metros e de 10 m"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_A6CC018407",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43TZ01",
"ACL_DESC": "(43TZ01) TREMEZ",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "1",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "1",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "179.71",
"TM_Estado": "1411,2",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(GV) Estrada Outeiro da Cortiçada para Correias, Apoio FO72 (39.345886, -8.795743).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Proceder substituição de poste de 9 metros em mau estado e apear cabo rad desativo"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBS023353",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43AN02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "1",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "1",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "317.13",
"TM_Estado": "1398,2",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(GV) Rua da Aroeira – Vale de Figueira (39.32372 -8.62243).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Necessário substituir poste 9 metros da caixa 0202052. Poste com duas espias, necessário substituir uma delas para que fique corretamente na bissetriz. Tensionar corretamente cabos RAL e apear cabos R"
I want to use leaflet-groupedlayercontrol plugin with empty "dummy" layer groups that are only used to enable or disable filters for the GeoJSON layer when selected/unselected in the layers control. But the markers don't appear on the map and with groupCheckboxes = true it also doesn't group the layers. How can I solve this?
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"state": "G",
"CCO": "16",
"PostM_8": "1",
"PostM_9": "0",
"PostM_10": "0",
"PostM_12": "0",
"PostB_8_450": "0",
"CVP ": "0",
"NR1_D400": "1",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "1",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"TM_State": "677,4"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"state": "B",
"CCO": "14",
"PostM_8": "1",
"PostM_9": "0",
"PostM_10": "1",
"PostM_12": "0",
"PostB_8_450": "0",
"CVP ": "0",
"NR1_D400": "1",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"TM_State ": "1037,3" }
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"state": "G",
"CCO": "14",
"PostM_8": "1",
"PostM_9": "1",
"PostM_10": "0",
"PostM_12": "0",
"PostB_8_450": "0",
"CVP ": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"TM_State": "940,3"
var report = L.geoJSON(null, {
filter: function(feature, layer) {
var cond0 = ((feature.properties.DOI_A6SC == '1') && selectCondition[0]);
var cond1 = ((feature.properties.DOI_A6CC == '1') && selectCondition[1]);
var cond2 = ((feature.properties.DOI_SUBS == '1') && selectCondition[2]);
var cond3 = ((feature.properties.DOI_SUBC == '1') && selectCondition[3]);
var cond4 = ((feature.properties.PosteM_7 == '1') && selectCondition[4]);
var cond5 = ((feature.properties.PosteM_8 == '1') && selectCondition[5]);
var cond6 = ((feature.properties.PosteM_9 == '1') && selectCondition[6]);
var cond7 = ((feature.properties.PosteM_10 == '1') && selectCondition[7]);
var cond8 = ((feature.properties.PosteM_12 == '1') && selectCondition[8]);
var cond9 = ((feature.properties.PosteM_15 == '1') && selectCondition[9]);
var cond10 = ((feature.properties.PosteB_8_450 == '1') && selectCondition[10]);
var cond11 = ((feature.properties.PosteB_9_450 == '1') && selectCondition[11]);
var cond12 = ((feature.properties.PosteB_9_800 == '1') && selectCondition[12]);
var cond13 = ((feature.properties.PosteB_9_1200 == '1') && selectCondition[13]);
var cond14 = ((feature.properties.PosteB_10_800 == '1') && selectCondition[14]);
var cond15 = ((feature.properties.PosteB_10_1800 == '1') && selectCondition[15]);
var cond16 = ((feature.properties.CVP_Redonda == '1') && selectCondition[16]);
var cond17 = ((feature.properties.NR1_D400 == '1') && selectCondition[17]);
var cond18 = ((feature.properties.NR1_B125 == '1') && selectCondition[18]);
var cond19 = ((feature.properties.NR2_D400 == '1') && selectCondition[19]);
var cond20 = ((feature.properties.NR2_B125 == '1') && selectCondition[20]);
var cond21 = ((feature.properties.NR3_D400 == '1') && selectCondition[21]);
var cond22 = ((feature.properties.NR3_B125 == '1') && selectCondition[22]);
var cond23 = ((feature.properties.Trab_Fibra_Cabo == '1') && selectCondition[23]);
var cond24 = ((feature.properties.Trab_Fibra_Juntista == '1') && selectCondition[24]);
var cond25 = ((feature.properties.Trab_Cobre_Cabo == '1') && selectCondition[25]);
var cond26 = ((feature.properties.Trab_Cobre_Juntista == '1') && selectCondition[26]);
var cond27 = ((feature.properties.TM_Estado_Interv == '[000-015[') && selectCondition[27]);
var cond28 = ((feature.properties.TM_Estado_Interv == '[015-030[') && selectCondition[28]);
var cond29 = ((feature.properties.TM_Estado_Interv == '[030-060[') && selectCondition[29]);
var cond30 = ((feature.properties.TM_Estado_Interv == '[060-120[') && selectCondition[30]);
var cond31 = ((feature.properties.TM_Estado_Interv == '[120-280[') && selectCondition[31]);
var cond32 = ((feature.properties.TM_Estado_Interv == '[280-360[') && selectCondition[32]);
var cond33 = ((feature.properties.TM_Estado_Interv == '[360-720[') && selectCondition[33]);
var cond34 = ((feature.properties.TM_Estado_Interv == '[720-%[') && selectCondition[34]);
return (cond0 || cond1 || cond2 || cond3 || cond4 || cond5 || cond6 || cond7 || cond8 || cond9 || cond10
|| cond11 || cond12 || cond13 || cond14 || cond15 || cond16 || cond17 || cond18 || cond19
|| cond20 || cond21 || cond22 || cond23 || cond24 || cond25 || cond26 || cond27 || cond28
|| cond29 || cond30 || cond31 || cond32 || cond33 || cond34);
pointToLayer: function (feature, latlng) {
return new L.marker(latlng, {
icon: myIcon, draggable: false});
onEachFeature: setPopup_nemesis_materiais
var geojsonData;
var url = './markers/markers.json';
.then(response => {
return response.json();
.then(json => {
geojsonData = json;
map.on('overlayadd', function(evt) {
var i = evt.layer.myId;
selectCondition[i] = true;
map.on('overlayremove', function(evt) {
var i = evt.layer.myId;
selectCondition[i] = false;
Multi-layer control filters with more than one feature.properties option selected
I´m using the groupedlayers with empty "dummy" layer groups that are only used to enable or disable filters for the GeoJSON layer when selected/unselected in the layers control. Layers DOI_A6SC, DOI_A6SC, DOI_SUBS, and DOI_SUCC include all markers. How should I do it so that when selecting one or more layers (DOI_A6SC, DOI_A6SC, DOI_SUBS, DOI_SUCC), and one or more secondary layers, only the markers that have feature.properties.DOI_A6SC == '1' and feature.properties.PosteM_8 == '1', for example.
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBS003705",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43CH02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "1",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "1",
"PosteM_9": "0",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "1",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "935.41",
"TM_Estado": "1448,3",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(GV) Estrada Principal – Biscainho (38.91026 -8.64221",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Subst 3 postes 9m e aprumar outro junto Est principal Biscainho.Postes c/ bases podres s/ condições segurança. Substituir postes FO6 (PD 0202030T) p/ poste betão 9\\450kgf, FO7 (c/ espia).Apear poste e"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBC006581",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43SO02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "1",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "1",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "365.30",
"TM_Estado": "1439,4",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(MJP) Local: EN365 – Atalaia (39.229163, -8.772903).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Necessário substituir cabo conforme esquema em anexo. Cabo passa por cima de moradia e está roçado no telhado."
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_A6SC012522",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43PN02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "1",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "1",
"PosteM_9": "0",
"PosteM_10": "1",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "1335.76",
"TM_Estado": "1421,4",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(MJP) Rua da Fonte Santa – Alqueidão (39.37520 -8.60581).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Necessário também substituir 3 postes. O poste da caixa 0201057 é de 8 metros com espia e acessórios RAD. Os dois postes seguintes, na direção da caixa 0201056 são respetivamente de 8 metros e de 10 m"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_A6CC018407",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43TZ01",
"ACL_DESC": "(43TZ01) TREMEZ",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "1",
"DOI_SUBS": "0",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "1",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "179.71",
"TM_Estado": "1411,2",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(GV) Estrada Outeiro da Cortiçada para Correias, Apoio FO72 (39.345886, -8.795743).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Proceder substituição de poste de 9 metros em mau estado e apear cabo rad desativo"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"Nemesis": "20DOI_SUBS023353",
"Estado": "G",
"CCO": "43",
"ACL": "43AN02",
"Data_importacao": "2024-01-02 21:46:04",
"TM_Estado_Interv": "[720-%[",
"DOI_A6SC": "0",
"DOI_A6CC": "0",
"DOI_SUBS": "1",
"DOI_SUBC": "0",
"PosteM_7": "0",
"PosteM_8": "0",
"PosteM_9": "1",
"PosteM_10": "0",
"PosteM_12": "0",
"PosteM_15": "0",
"PosteB_8_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_450": "0",
"PosteB_9_800": "0",
"PosteB_9_1200": "0",
"PosteB_10_800": "0",
"PosteB_10_1800": "0",
"CVP_Redonda": "0",
"NR1_D400": "0",
"NR1_B125": "0",
"NR2_D400": "0",
"NR2_B125": "0",
"NR3_D400": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Cabo": "0",
"Trab_Fibra_Juntista": "0",
"Trab_Cobre_Juntista": "0",
"ValorProjeto": "317.13",
"TM_Estado": "1398,2",
"Descricao_Orcamento": "(GV) Rua da Aroeira – Vale de Figueira (39.32372 -8.62243).",
"Descricao_Observacao": "Necessário substituir poste 9 metros da caixa 0202052. Poste com duas espias, necessário substituir uma delas para que fique corretamente na bissetriz. Tensionar corretamente cabos RAL e apear cabos R"
var selectCondition = [];
var selectLayer = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 35; i++) {
selectCondition[i] = false;
selectLayer[i] = L.layerGroup();
selectLayer[i].myId = i;
var baseMaps = {
"OSM": osm,
'Google Street': googleStreets,
"Google Satellite": googleSat,
var mcg = L.markerClusterGroup.layerSupport({
chunkedLoading: true,
chunkInterval: 100,
chunkProgress: updateProgressBar
var overlayMaps = {
'Todos': {
'Postes': {
'PosteM 7m': selectLayer[4],
'PosteM 8m': selectLayer[5],
'PosteM 9m': selectLayer[6],
'PosteM 10m': selectLayer[7],
'PosteM 12m': selectLayer[8],
'PosteM 15m': selectLayer[9],
'PosteB 8m 450Kg': selectLayer[10],
'PosteB 9m 450Kg': selectLayer[11],
'PosteB 9m 800Kg': selectLayer[12],
'PosteB 9m 1200Kg': selectLayer[13],
'PosteB 10m 800Kg': selectLayer[14],
'PosteB 10m 1800Kg': selectLayer[15]
'CVP´s': {
'CVP_Redonda': selectLayer[16],
'NR1_D400': selectLayer[17],
'NR1_B125': selectLayer[18],
'NR2_D400': selectLayer[19],
'NR2_B125': selectLayer[20],
'NR3_D400': selectLayer[21],
'NR3_B125': selectLayer[22]
'Tipo Trabalhos': {
'Trabalhos Fibra Cabo': selectLayer[23],
'Trabalhos Fibra Juntista': selectLayer[24],
'Trabalhos Cobre Cabo': selectLayer[25],
'Trabalhos Cobre Juntista': selectLayer[26]
'Antiguidade': {
'[000-015[': selectLayer[27],
'[015-030[': selectLayer[28],
'[030-060[': selectLayer[29],
'[060-120[': selectLayer[30],
'[120-280[': selectLayer[31],
'[280-360[': selectLayer[32],
'[360-720[': selectLayer[33],
'[720-%[': selectLayer[34]
var options = {
groupCheckboxes: false,
collapsed: false
L.control.groupedLayers(baseMaps, overlayMaps, options).addTo(map);
var report = L.geoJSON(null, {
filter: function(feature, layer) {
var cond0 = ((feature.properties.DOI_A6SC == '1') && selectCondition[0]);
var cond1 = ((feature.properties.DOI_A6CC == '1') && selectCondition[1]);
var cond2 = ((feature.properties.DOI_SUBS == '1') && selectCondition[2]);
var cond3 = ((feature.properties.DOI_SUBC == '1') && selectCondition[3]);
var cond4 = ((feature.properties.PosteM_7 == '1') && selectCondition[4]);
var cond5 = ((feature.properties.PosteM_8 == '1') && selectCondition[5]);
var cond6 = ((feature.properties.PosteM_9 == '1') && selectCondition[6]);
var cond7 = ((feature.properties.PosteM_10 == '1') && selectCondition[7]);
var cond8 = ((feature.properties.PosteM_12 == '1') && selectCondition[8]);
var cond9 = ((feature.properties.PosteM_15 == '1') && selectCondition[9]);
var cond10 = ((feature.properties.PosteB_8_450 == '1') && selectCondition[10]);
var cond11 = ((feature.properties.PosteB_9_450 == '1') && selectCondition[11]);
var cond12 = ((feature.properties.PosteB_9_800 == '1') && selectCondition[12]);
var cond13 = ((feature.properties.PosteB_9_1200 == '1') && selectCondition[13]);
var cond14 = ((feature.properties.PosteB_10_800 == '1') && selectCondition[14]);
var cond15 = ((feature.properties.PosteB_10_1800 == '1') && selectCondition[15]);
var cond16 = ((feature.properties.CVP_Redonda == '1') && selectCondition[16]);
var cond17 = ((feature.properties.NR1_D400 == '1') && selectCondition[17]);
var cond18 = ((feature.properties.NR1_B125 == '1') && selectCondition[18]);
var cond19 = ((feature.properties.NR2_D400 == '1') && selectCondition[19]);
var cond20 = ((feature.properties.NR2_B125 == '1') && selectCondition[20]);
var cond21 = ((feature.properties.NR3_D400 == '1') && selectCondition[21]);
var cond22 = ((feature.properties.NR3_B125 == '1') && selectCondition[22]);
var cond23 = ((feature.properties.Trab_Fibra_Cabo == '1') && selectCondition[23]);
var cond24 = ((feature.properties.Trab_Fibra_Juntista == '1') && selectCondition[24]);
var cond25 = ((feature.properties.Trab_Cobre_Cabo == '1') && selectCondition[25]);
var cond26 = ((feature.properties.Trab_Cobre_Juntista == '1') && selectCondition[26]);
var cond27 = ((feature.properties.TM_Estado_Interv == '[000-015[') && selectCondition[27]);
var cond28 = ((feature.properties.TM_Estado_Interv == '[015-030[') && selectCondition[28]);
var cond29 = ((feature.properties.TM_Estado_Interv == '[030-060[') && selectCondition[29]);
var cond30 = ((feature.properties.TM_Estado_Interv == '[060-120[') && selectCondition[30]);
var cond31 = ((feature.properties.TM_Estado_Interv == '[120-280[') && selectCondition[31]);
var cond32 = ((feature.properties.TM_Estado_Interv == '[280-360[') && selectCondition[32]);
var cond33 = ((feature.properties.TM_Estado_Interv == '[360-720[') && selectCondition[33]);
var cond34 = ((feature.properties.TM_Estado_Interv == '[720-%[') && selectCondition[34]);
return (cond0 || cond1 || cond2 || cond3 || cond4 || cond5 || cond6 || cond7 || cond8 || cond9 || cond10
|| cond11 || cond12 || cond13 || cond14 || cond15 || cond16 || cond17 || cond18 || cond19
|| cond20 || cond21 || cond22 || cond23 || cond24 || cond25 || cond26 || cond27 || cond28
|| cond29 || cond30 || cond31 || cond32 || cond33 || cond34);
pointToLayer: function (feature, latlng) {
return new L.marker(latlng, {
icon: myIcon, draggable: false});
onEachFeature: setPopup_nemesis_materiais
var geojsonData;
var url = './markers/markers.json';
.then(response => {
return response.json();
.then(json => {
geojsonData = json;
map.on('overlayadd', function(evt) {
var i = evt.layer.myId;
selectCondition[i] = true;
map.on('overlayremove', function(evt) {
var i = evt.layer.myId;
selectCondition[i] = false;