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May 15 at 12:37 history edited PolyGeo
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S May 15 at 8:05 history suggested Maksir CC BY-SA 4.0
She clarified how I got the rasters and what I need to do with them
May 15 at 8:00 comment added Michael Stimson I see, you're trying to export using a renderer. There's no chance of doing this in python… , you'd need to use C#, C++ or to leverage the ArcObjects API.… has a bit of code. Perhaps the closest you could get is to use export map to a GeoTIFF file. Consider making a mosaic dataset from all your rasters, symbolize it once, export it once and then cut it up if you need smaller tiles.
May 15 at 7:49 review Suggested edits
S May 15 at 8:05
May 15 at 6:52 comment added Michael Stimson I'm not understanding what you're trying to do, is the raster to have a single constant value or is it that you wish to apply the symbology (stretch) to a group of rasters? The images you've put in your question aren't working.
S May 15 at 6:04 review First questions
May 15 at 7:48
S May 15 at 6:04 history asked Maksir CC BY-SA 4.0