I am using Leaflet to work with the map.
I I have a WMS server: L.tileLayer.wmsL.tileLayer.wms
function setWMSLayer(theme) {
if (!theme.includes("SeaChart_")) theme = "SeaChart_" + theme;
const url = `http://${FLASK_HOST}/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/s57demo/data/map/${theme}.map`;
layers: theme
const wmsLocal = L.tileLayer.wms('', {
noWrap: false
function setWMSLayer(theme) {
if (!theme.includes("SeaChart_")) theme = "SeaChart_" + theme;
const url = `http://${FLASK_HOST}/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/s57demo/data/map/${theme}.map`;
layers: theme
const wmsLocal = L.tileLayer.wms('', {
noWrap: false
Leaflet uses 3857 by default. I
I want to understand how I can switch the coordinate system. I understand that I can use the proj4.js and proj4leaflet.js plugins. I use them, and understand how they work. But I'm not clear on how exactly I can switch my coordinate system. Additionally, I have my .map files, which also have their own projection parameters: