I've looked through the similar questions and did not find what I'm looking for. We have hosted a cadastral shapefile in Geoserver. We need to update this cadastral feature with new parcels, but we don't want anybody to modify the main feature online. We want the person in charge of creating new parcels to do it in QGIS through a WFS link (with empty content but having the same CRS and the same fields structure like the main feature) we'll send to him. After creating the new WFS parcel feature and saving it, it is dynamically uploaded and pasted to the hosted feature. It looks like giving a few part of modifying rights to a specific user, but denying the full modifying rights to him at the same time. Is
If it is possible? How, then how can we do that? Thanks!
Background: I'm a GIS specialist with basic knowledge in PostGIS, GeoserverGeoServer and OpenLayers. But I'm working with a developers team able to write complex scripts.