I'm hoping some projection gurus might be able to help me out with building a simple esri compatible proj string to simply represent scaling northing and easting from a point of origin central to a survey. I've been able to work this out fine with a derivedprojcrs and the affine parametric transformation, however that seems to have some compatibility problems with some softwares.
Effectively the .prj should scale as follows:
X’new = (SCALE_FACTOR * (X’old – ORIGIN_X)) + ORIGIN_X
Y’new = (SCALE_FACTOR * (Y’old – ORIGIN_Y)) + ORIGIN_Y
My current esri prj that isn't scaling correctly is:
SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257223563]],
UNIT["US survey foot",0.304800609601219]],
VERT_DATUM["North_American_Vertical_Datum_1988 with GEOID18",2005],
UNIT["US survey foot",0.304800609601219],
AXIS["Gravity-related height",UP]]]
My test points are as follows:
Name Latitude Longitude
1 38.81867707 -106.15170219
2 38.82023696 -106.15255798
3 38.82234018 -106.14698871
4 38.81947480 -106.14686198
0 38.81910429 -106.14951023 (Point of origin)
Input 'Grid' Points (these are the State Plane ESPG 6428 N/E for the lat/lon's above)
Name Northing Easting
1 1,359,523.631 2,814,321.258
2 1,360,093.468 2,814,081.516
3 1,360,848.077 2,815,673.670
4 1,359,804.295 2,815,702.344
0 1,359,674.745 2,814,946.878 (point of origin)
Ground scale factor: 1.0004355056
Grid Distance to PoO
Name Northing Easting
1 -151.1140 -625.6200
2 418.7230 -865.3620
3 1173.3320 726.7920
4 129.5500 755.4660
0 0.0000 0.0000
Ground Distance to Pt of Origin
Name Northing Easting
1 -151.1798 -625.8925
2 418.9054 -865.7389
3 1173.8430 727.1085
4 129.6064 755.7950
0 0.0000 0.0000
Grid to Ground - Scaled from Point 0
Name Northing Easting
1 1,359,523.565 2,814,320.986
2 1,360,093.650 2,814,081.139
3 1,360,848.588 2,815,673.987
4 1,359,804.351 2,815,702.673
0 1,359,674.745 2,814,946.878
However the poor prj above is providing the following scaled points.
Name Northing Easting
1 1,359,519.086 2,814,322.049
2 1,360,087.471 2,814,078.121
3 1,360,853.818 2,815,665.613
4 1,359,809.759 2,815,701.766
0 1,359,674.745 2,814,946.878
Would be appreciative of any help! Thank you!