If you have ArcGIS versionDesktop 10 or greater.0 (or any of its service packs), I think your best bet is writing a python script that uses os.walk to look through a defined GIS directory and searches for common GIS file extensions such as .shp, .gdb, .mdb, etc... and writes the result to a comma delimited text file. You can then bring the text file into excel, see code example below:
import os, arcpy
#create blank text file
txt = open("C:\\Temp\\GISlayers.txt", "w")
for root, dirs, files in os.walk("C:\\Temp\\temp"):
for f in files:
#look for shapefiles
foundSHP = f.find(".shp")
if foundSHP >0:
checkEXT = f[-3:]
if checkEXT <> "xml":
desc = arcpy.Describe(root + "\\" + f)
#write info to text file
txt.write(desc.name + "," + desc.catalogPath + "\n")
#look for file geodatabases
foundGDB = f.find(".gdb")
if foundGDB >0:
desc = arcpy.Describe(root)
for child in desc.children:
#write info to text file
txt.write(child.name + "," + child.path + "\n")
Hope this helpsIf you are using ArcGIS 10.1 (or later) for Desktop then there is another Answer here that uses arcpy.da.Walk which was not available at 10.0 or earlier.