ESRI has a collapse dual carriageway to centerline tool. You can get a cheap version for use with OSM. Otherwise you could select features and save as a new layer. DeletedDelete selected from layer you used for export. Buffer feature within range of one side of the carriageway that includes the second lane. Merge shapefile with original, connect up any broken topology. If
If you can code and or/or script you could average a centerline between lanes on a node by seg by node matching and output a centerline programaticaly and then programaticaly deleteddelete selected features used for the production process, check and fix broken topology, and youryou're done.
I found a arcpy code sample I am including, how to find the link is below in comments.
attributed to ESRI ARCGis Help
# Name:
# Description: Creates street centerlines from a street casing coverage.
# Requirements: ArcInfo Workstation
# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
# Set environment settings
env.workspace = "C:/data"
# Set local variables
inCover = "streets"
outCover = "C:/output/centerlines"
maximumWidth = 50
# Execute CollapseDualLinesToCenterline
arcpy.CollapseDualLinesToCenterline_arc(inCover, outCover, maximumWidth, "")