This a simple tutorial one can follow to define/ or reproject (transform geographic coordinate system and/or datum) a Coordinate Reference System (CRS) in ArcGIs 9.3ArcGIS 10.,1+ starting from a ".csv"CSV file.
- Open ArcMap;
- In ArcMap, click on “Tools” button located in Main Menu. Choose the
following option: “Add XY Data”;
- On “Add XY Data” window, click at the browse button to open the
“.csv” file which contains geographic coordinates (columns with x
coordinate values and columns with y coordinate values) you want to change/transform (from lat.
long. or UTM -> to UTM or lat. long.);
- Address X and Y fields on “Add XY Data” window with the respectively
columns in the “.csv” file;
- On “Coordinate System of Input Coordinates” field (still on “Add XY
Data window), select the current datum and coordinate system which
your input data are associated;
- Next, click on “ArcToolBox” button --> go through
“DataManagementTools” --> “Projections and Transformations” -->
“Feature” --> “Project”;
- In “Project” window: i) click on “Input Dataset or Feature Class”
field (it should appear as an option the input file, that was opened
in step 4). ii) in the field “Output Coordinate System” choose the
desired (new) geographic coordinate system and datum to be
associated with data;
- Click with the mouse right button on the new layer that was created
Open ArcMap;
after previous step, and click “Open Attribute Table”;
- It will open the window “Attributes of...”. Click on “options”
(lower right corner) and next, click on “add field” (it is going to
create columns which will be filled in with new coordinates x and
y). Chose a name for the column and set “type” field as “Double”.
Click on File --> Add Data --> Add XY Data
This step requires repetition (for column with x coordinates and column with y coordinates);
- Then, go back to “Attributes of…” window and give a right click on
the new column name created at the previous step. Select “Calculate
Geometry”. Verify if the option “use coordinate system of the data
Browse the CSV file which contains column A
with longitude (or Easting) values; and column B
with latitude (or Northing) values. Example:
source” is selected. If yes, click “Ok”. If no, change to this easting northing
732771.529 7457694.818
733006.267 7456350.588
735506.391 7481351.041
option and then click “Ok”;
3.1. Select column A as the X field
and column B as the Y field
from the CSV file;
3.2. On Coordinate System of Input Coordinates
field, select current CRS from data.
Here the CRS is defined. One can export the layer to a shapefile by right clicking in the layer and then, Data --> Export Data
Or continue (from item 3.2
) to reproject:
- Click on
button (little red toolbox icon), then go through DataManagementTools --> Projections and Transformations --> Feature --> Project
4.1. Select the input layer from the Input Dataset or Feature Class
4.2. In Output Coordinate System
choose the CRS one wants data to be projected (transformed) to.
4.3. Set file path and name for the output file in Output Dataset or Feature Class
4.4. Click Ok
and wait while Project
finish running.
Here data is already reprojected to new CRS.
Now, let's create columns with new X
and Y
coordinates in the Table of Contents (TOC):
- Right click the new created layer and select
Open Attribute Table
5.1. Click on Table Options
(upper left corner), then Add field
to add new X
5.2. Chose a name for the column (e.g. X_coords
) and set the Type
field as Double
5.3. Repeat steps (5
to 5.2
) for creating column Y_coords
- Go back to the TOC and right click
6.1. Select Calculate Geometry
. Set Property
for X_coords
equal X coordinate of Point
. Verify if Use coordinate system of the data source
is selected. Click Ok
6.2. Repeat steps 6
and 6.1
for column Y_coords
, but select Y coordinate of Point