With QGIS, I am trying to create a heatmap from a set of points I added as a layer using the "Add Delimited Text Layer" plugin.
The points are a collection of complaints from around a city and I want to visualize portions of the city that have a higher frequency of complaints.
Using the heatmap plugin, I choose the following options:
- Input Point Vector: my CSV layer of complaint points
- Output Raster: heat_map
- Output Format: GeoTIFF
- Radius: 1000 meters
- Decay Ratio: 0.1
I click OK and then choose NAD83, EPSG:4269 for coordinate system.
Next, I get a large grey box with tiny transparent circles.
I've tried switching the color map to pseudocolor and adding a transparent pixel list to make anything with a value of zero appear to be transparent.
Then the whole map disappears.
I'm not getting a heatmap at all and I've followed all of the popular guides I can find with Google.
Advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!