I am trying to write a python script which pulls GML tags out of an XML file and formats them into WKT for inserting into a PostGIS database. I have been successful in doing so for an XML containing a single part polygon using the follow code:
rootElement = ET.parse("GMLExample_Polygon.xml").getroot()
wkt = ""
for subelement in rootElement.getiterator():
for subsub in subelement:
if subsub.tag == "{http://www.opengis.net/gml}X":
x = subsub.text
if subsub.tag == "{http://www.opengis.net/gml}Y":
y = subsub.text
point_for_pol = "%s %s, " % (x, y)
wkt += point_for_pol
wkt = wkt[:-2]
This code clearly won't work for multipolygons. I am unsure how to access the geometry for each polygon tag ("gml:Polygon srsName="BNG") separately and pull only the geometry nested under it. I am trying to use ElementTree, not sure if this is the best module to use. The XML is structured as follows:
<Order xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://lalala.com/xml_polygon_order.xsd">
<Street>long street</Street>
<PostCode>PN1 1PN</PostCode>
<gml:Polygon srsName="BNG">
<gml:Polygon srsName="BNG">
Thanks for any help.