I am working on scripting some data processing using QgisQGIS and Python, but I'm running across issues that I need to debug. Since my data is really large, and run-times can be lengthy, I would like to be able to write out results periodically and then append to those results so I don't have to re-run my scripts.
I'm outputting a polygon shape fileshapefile, and I am using the following pythonPython code currently to work with the shp file:
poly_provider = poly_layer.dataProvider()
fields = { 0 : QgsField("STAT_NO", QVariant.String) }
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter("/localstore/data/shps/contrib_area.shp", "CP1250", fields, poly_provider.geometryType(), poly_layer.crs(), "ESRI Shapefile")
if writer.hasError() != QgsVectorFileWriter.NoError:
print "Error when creating shapefile: ", writer.hasError()
def collect_geoms(geometries):
if len(geometries) > 0:
union_geoms = geometries[0]
for geometry in geometries:
union_geoms = union_geoms.combine(geometry)
fet = QgsFeature()
fet.addAttribute(0, QVariant( point_feat_dict[point] ))
The collect_geoms()
function is then called in a loop, and when I'm done, I use del writer
and I get the shape fileshapefile written to the disk.
Is there a way that I can write the shape fileshapefile out incrementally and append new polygons to it? So for instance I can run 10 iterations of the loop, write the shape fileshapefile, and then run the next ten without overwriting the first set?