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When theI do the above directly through an MVC controller and zoom to map extents and spit out an image, I get the labels layer to show up over the vector layer in the image. However since the calls from my client (using OpenLayers) are discrete, I suspect that the baleslabels are not being shown.

When the do the above directly through an MVC controller and zoom to map extents, I get the labels layer to show up. However since the calls from my client (using OpenLayers) are discrete, I suspect that the bales are not being shown.

When I do the above directly through an MVC controller and zoom to map extents and spit out an image, I get the labels layer to show up over the vector layer in the image. However since the calls from my client (using OpenLayers) are discrete, I suspect that the labels are not being shown.

SharpMap WMS - How to add a Labelslabels to a Mapmap containing a VectorLayer

First, I'm new to SharpMap. 
I'm adding in labels for a vector layer, but for some reason the labels are not showing up. My PostGIS data is in Geographic NAD 83 and the UI is OpenLayers so am converting it to Google's CRS.

SharpMap WMS - How to add a Labels to a Map containing a VectorLayer

First, I'm new to SharpMap. I'm adding in labels for a vector layer, but for some reason the labels are not showing up. My PostGIS data is in Geographic NAD 83 and the UI is OpenLayers so am converting it to Google's CRS.

SharpMap WMS - How to add labels to a map containing a VectorLayer

First, I'm new to SharpMap. 
I'm adding in labels for a vector layer, but for some reason the labels are not showing up. My PostGIS data is in Geographic NAD 83 and the UI is OpenLayers so am converting it to Google's CRS.

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SharpMap WMS - How to add a Labels to a Map containing a VectorLayer

First, I'm new to SharpMap. I'm adding in labels for a vector layer, but for some reason the labels are not showing up. My PostGIS data is in Geographic NAD 83 and the UI is OpenLayers so am converting it to Google's CRS.

This is what my tile request looks like:


This is what I'm doing to get my Map object.

        public static Map CreateMap(List layerRequests)
            var map = new Map(new Size(1, 1));
            foreach (var layerRequest in layerRequests)
                var vectorLayer = CreateVectorLayer(layerRequest);
                var labelLayer = CreateLabelLayer(vectorLayer, layerRequest);
            return map;

        private static LabelLayer CreateLabelLayer(VectorLayer vectorLayer, VectorLayerRequest layerRequest)
            return new LabelLayer("Labels:" + vectorLayer.LayerName)
                DataSource = vectorLayer.DataSource,
                Enabled = true,
                LabelColumn = GetLabelColumnName(layerRequest),
                SRID = vectorLayer.SRID,
                TargetSRID = vectorLayer.TargetSRID,
                CoordinateTransformation = vectorLayer.CoordinateTransformation,
                Style = new LabelStyle
                    ForeColor = Color.Black,
                    Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 11),
                    HorizontalAlignment = LabelStyle.HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Center,
                    VerticalAlignment = LabelStyle.VerticalAlignmentEnum.Middle,
                    Offset = new PointF(3, 3),
                    Halo = new Pen(Color.Yellow, 2)
                TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias,
                SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias

        private static string GetLabelColumnName(VectorLayerRequest layerRequest)
            switch (layerRequest.Table.ToLower())
                case "uscounties":
                case "states":
                    return "name";
                    return "district";

        private static VectorLayer CreateVectorLayer(VectorLayerRequest layerRequest)
            //var cacheKey = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}:{3}", 
            //    layerRequest.Schema, 
            //    layerRequest.Table, 
            //    layerRequest.SRID,
            //    layerRequest.Filter == null ? "" : layerRequest.Filter.Replace(" ", ""));
            //return VectorLayersCache.GetOrPut(cacheKey, () =>
                int? originalSrid = null;
                if (layerRequest.SRID != GeographicNad1983Srid)
                    originalSrid = layerRequest.SRID;
                    layerRequest.SRID = GeographicNad1983Srid;

                var dataSource = new PostGIS(ConnectionString, layerRequest.Table, GeometryColumnName, SpatialTableIdColumnName)
                    Schema = layerRequest.Schema,
                    SRID = layerRequest.SRID,
                    DefinitionQuery = layerRequest.Filter
                return new VectorLayer(layerRequest.Table, dataSource)
                    SRID = GeographicNad1983Srid,
                    TargetSRID = originalSrid.HasValue ? originalSrid.Value : layerRequest.SRID,
                    CoordinateTransformation = ProjHelper.LatLonToGoogle(),
                    Style = layerRequest.Style,
                    SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias,
                    LayerName = layerRequest.Table,
                    Enabled = true,
                    IsQueryEnabled = true

When the do the above directly through an MVC controller and zoom to map extents, I get the labels layer to show up. However since the calls from my client (using OpenLayers) are discrete, I suspect that the bales are not being shown.

So how do we show labels when using SharpMap WMS?