Thanks to Stackexchange for sponsoring me to attend the Dev Summit! It was great to meet so many people who have been active here at gis.stackexchange. A couple of the videos from day 1 of the Dev Summit have been posted here. Over the next couple weeks more videos should get posted.
Here are some of the Dev Summit highlights for me:
ArcGIS Application Builder For Microsoft Silverlight
If you sign up for beta program you can download it. Installation on Win7 64bit was a bit tricky for me, but now is working. It is extensible via MEF, so even though the app you build is called a Viewer, it can be extended to support editing.
Side by Side (SxS) Runtime deployment for 10.1
GIS on a stick with Esri will be supported on 10.1. I wonder if I can have two development versions on the same machine. Read more on this threadthis thread.
I attended some excellent user tracks and tech sessions, including:
- Enterprise GIS Using a Framework Approach - Silverlight
- Enterprise PDF Export Solution with a Single SOE
- Using Python to Glue it all Together
- Advanced Development with ArcGIS API for Microsoft Silverlight/WPF
- Advanced Development with ArcGIS API for Windows Phone
I'll update this with links to actual presentations when they are posted later.
GIS Data in the Cloud
I hadn't been following Azure, so it was news to me that spatial types are supported. Now if only microsoft could figure out a way to host a geometric network in Azuregeometric network in Azure. Until then I'll need to use Amazon web services ... they said they might even host my geometric network for freehost my geometric network for free. I heard rumors that Entity Framework will soon support spatial types. Esri continues to devote a lot of resources to ArcGIS Online. I didn't hear any discussion of the ArcGIS OnLine business model though.
Dodgeball (Next Olympic Sport?)
Couldn't get enough people together in time for a GIS.StackExchange team, but had a blast watching. Now if only I could remember those 5 D's ...
Video of a Road Map for ArcGIS Server Developers has been published.