I need to install Fiona in my Debian7.x-64bits/Python2.7 machine. I already installed GDAL/OGR, pip, virtualenv, and six. I am using Python 2.7 so argparse is also installed. The installation protocol provided at the Fiona website is not completely clear to me:
$ mkdir fiona_env
$ virtualenv fiona_env
$ source fiona_env/bin/activate
(fiona_env)$ pip install Fiona
(Source: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Fiona )
I followed the steps from both a non-root- and a root-terminal. In the first case some problems related with permissions arose. In the second the errors were related with an inability to find OGR directories.
I am running the installing protocol from my home directory, e.g. me@mymachine:~($ or #). I am not sure if that is the problem. I already checked around for documentation in the Internet, but it seems that the installation protocol from Toblerity (referenced above) is the most explicit.
I would appreciate the community help with the installation of Fiona in my rather standard Debian machine.