Using ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced 10.1 (with all extensions)
I am building a centerline network that will be used by a MapObjects program to do routing based on "turns at any vertex" (as opposed to turns only at endpoints...) What I am trying to do is identify overpasses/underpasses that have a shared vertex with the road that crosses it (but is not considered an intersection) If there is a shared vertex, then the mapping program will (incorrectly) make a turn where there is not one physically possible. What I've done so far is build a topology using the "Must not intersect (Line)" rule. I export the errors to a feature class, and now I have a bunch of points at intersections that I need to check. What I'm wondering is if there is a way to cycle through each point and check to see if a vertex exists where the centerline intersects the point. Here's what I've come up with so far...
import arcpy
fcPoints = "C:/MyPointLayer..."
fcCenterlines = "C:/MyCenterlineLayer..."
rows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(fcPoints)
for row in rows:
# For each point, select the centerlines that touch (intersect) that point
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(fcPoints, "NEW_SELECTION", "\"OBJECTID\" = " + str(row.getValue("OBJECTID")))
arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management(fcCenterlines, "INTERSECT", fcPoints)
# Need code here to cycle through each selected centerline and determine if a vertex exists at the point's SHAPE@XY location?
for each line in selection:
vertexExists = False
for each vertex in line:
if vertex.xy == point.xy:
vertexExists === trueTrue
# If there is a matching vertice, then update a field in the point fc to "FLAG" it...
if vertexExists == True:
Or.... is there an easier way...? I would be looking at about 2000 points to check...