I am in the midst of a task which involves the clustering of assessment neighborhoods into larger neighborhoods (data link). The goal is build these neighborhoods in a manner consistent with major economic corridors in DC. I'd like to provide a dynamic method of selection for others in the office, and my chosen approach is the overlay of assessment polys on a map tile via Folium.
Here is the set up:
#Read in data
#Transform to WGS84
#Define function to swap lat-long coords in Polygon objects
def swap_coord(poly):
'''Mappable function that switches coordinates in polygon objects'''
#If the object is not a Polygon...
if poly.geom_type != 'Polygon':
#...take the first component and switch the coordinates
new_poly=Polygon([(x[1],x[0]) for x in poly[0].exterior.coords])
#...swap the coordinates of the Polygon
new_poly=Polygon([(x[1],x[0]) for x in poly.exterior.coords])
return new_poly
#Swap coordinates
aneigh_ll['geometry']=aneigh_ll['geom_temp'].apply(lambda x: swap_coord(x))
#Drop geom_temp
an_ll=aneigh_ll[[x for x in aneigh_ll.columns if x != 'geom_temp']]
#Write transformed data to disk
First, I know the transformation above works because 1) I can plot one coordinate of one of the constituent polygons, and 2) I used it beforebefore. I should also note that the to_file()
method that writes the GeoJSON to disk is from the geopandas package (which relies on fiona for I/O operations).
Where I am running into trouble is getting the overlay to work. I know overlays are possible with my setup because I can recreate the example provided here. In fact, I wrote the set to disk to follow as closely as I could to the example. However, when I proceed with the following, I get only the base map.
Any thoughts on why this might be the case? I am wondering if there is a fundamental difference between the GeoJSON files fiona has generated and those used on the folium site.