SELECT node.*
FROM gps_nodes as node,
(SELECT count(*) as n, g.gid FROM linestrings as l , gps_nodes as g
WHERE ST_equals(l.geom_line, ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(g.EASTING g.NORTHING, -1.911782 53.26144)')) GROUBGROUP BY g.gid)
as c
WHERE node.gid = c.gid AND c.n = 0
(i didnt test, may not contains necessary amount of ) )
query creates "table" which has n and gid columns ( n is count and gid is unique id in gps_table) , assigns alias c for it and then joins table with gps_nodes table ( alias node) and limits rows to where n = 0
change gid to match your gps_nodes table. note table alias use