Using the raster package in R you could apply a pixel-wise regression estimate of NDVI ~ time. Here is an example for a linear model, locally-weighted polynomial regression and regression coefficients.
# Create some example data
r <- raster(nrow=100, ncol=100)
r[] <- runif(ncell(r),-1,1)
rt <- stack(r)
for(i in 2:26) {
r <- rt[[1]]
r[] <- runif(ncell(r),-1,1)
rt <- addLayer(rt, r)
# Create a time vector to act as x
time <- sort(sample(1:365,nlayers(rt)))
# linear (lm) regression estimate(s) of ndvi ~ time
t.lm.predict <- function(x) {if ([1])) {NA} else {predict(lm(x ~ time))}}
f.pred <- calc(rt, t.lm.predict)
# locally-weighted polynomial regression of ndvi ~ time
t.lowess <- function(x,...) { if ([1])) { NA } else { lowess(x,y,...)$y } }
f.pred <- calc(rt, t.lowess)
# slope and intercept of ndvi ~ time
t.lm.coef <- function(x) {
if ([1])) { NA } else { lm(x ~ time)$coefficients }
f.coef <- calc(rt, t.lm.coef)