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Field Convert geometry to convert latitude longitude postgis-longitude using PostGIS ST_Transform

My table has a geometric field, in EPSG:3857, of type point,. I need the latitude and longitude, in EPSG: 4326, of each point ST_Transform tried to apply but could not. Could someone can give me a valid example of how to use ST_Transform().

Field geometry to convert latitude longitude postgis

My table has a geometric field of type point, I need the latitude and longitude of each point ST_Transform tried to apply but could not someone can give me a valid example.

Convert geometry to latitude-longitude using PostGIS ST_Transform

My table has a geometric field, in EPSG:3857, of type point. I need the latitude and longitude, in EPSG: 4326, of each point. Could someone give me a valid example of how to use ST_Transform().

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Field geometry to convert latitude longitude postgis

My table has a geometric field of type point, I need the latitude and longitude of each point ST_Transform tried to apply but could not someone can give me a valid example.