Here is my Config.xml
<layer label="Pop-up (turn on/off)" type="dynamic" visible="true"
<sublayer id="0" popupconfig="popups/Parcels.xml"/> -->
So, when I click a point on the map a popup appears. That popup displays information about a parcel that was clicked, provides a "zoom to" button.
What event fired to make that occur? I'd like to heavily customize what occurs when I click the map. Bonus points if you can verify which object is being used to render the popup
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<![CDATA[Account# <b>{Strap}</b><br>Owner: <b>{Name1}</b><br>Address: <b>{Locn} {Locd} {Locs}</b><br><br><b>**2014 Values**</b><br>Just(Market)Value: <b>${Just}</b><br>Land Value: <b>${Land_Val}</b><br>Improvement Value: <b>${Improvemt}</b><br>Assessed Value: <b>${Assessed}</b><br><br>Homestead(x=yes): <b>{Homestead}</b><br>Land Sq Ft: <b>{Lsqft}</b><br>Total Building Area: <b>{GrossArea}</b><br>Total Living Area: <b>{Living}</b><br>Year Built: <b>{Yrbl}</b><br><br><a href="{ACCOUNT}"><b>Additional Information</b></a><br>]]>
<field name="Strap"/> Used in title, do not repeat in content
<field name="Yrbl" alias="Year Built">
<format usethousandsseparator="false"/>
<field name="Land_Val" percision = "2">
<format usethousandsseparator="true"/>
<field name="Improvemt" percision = "2">
<format usethousandsseparator="true"/>
<field name="Just" percision = "2">
<format usethousandsseparator="true"/>
<field name="Assessed" percision = "2">
<format usethousandsseparator="true"/>
<field name="Lsqft" percision = "2">
<format usethousandsseparator="true"/>
<field name="GrossArea" percision = "2">
<format usethousandsseparator="true"/>
<field name="Living" percision = "2">
<format usethousandsseparator="true"/>
<field name="SALE_DATE">
<format dateformat="shortDate"/>