I'm working with postGIS 2.1 I have a table called 'xacementos' created with the srid: 900913. I took the points coordinates from google maps and I want to convert them to SRID:4326 to show the points in a map created over leaflet. (if a input the 900913 coordinates as geoJSON in the leaflet code the points show a little bit displaced) I'm using the function ST_Transform:
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Transform(geom,4326)) FROM xacementos WHERE enderezo='Rua Franja 9-11';
but the coordinates that show up are not correct:
"POINT(-7.54315344075162e-005 0.000389606525237254)"
The input coordinates in the 900913 srid are "POINT(-8.397 43.3708)"
I'm newby in this postGIS stuff and I'm not sure if i'm following the right path.
Any suggestion??