I have 75 coordinates in WGS84 that I brought in from an Excel table. They are now on my imagery basemap spanning across about a half mile on either side of a dirt road in Prescott National Forest in Arizona.
My advisor wants me to get the distances between all 75 points and I first tried to use the measure tool and found that it would take too long to get all the distances that way. I then tried Point Distance and ArcGIS just kept quitting unexpectedly. I imagine there are at least a few more tools in ArcGIS that can do this but am not sure where to go from here. I tried to do this in Excel as well, but I'm not familiar enough with coding to figure that out.
I am just now getting into this program and don't know very much about it.
If it helps, I'm using ArcGIS 10.2.2 on an ASUS desktop at my university. This seems to be the only PC that has ArcGIS installed on it for my use so I hope the problem is not with my computer.