I've created MbTiles with gdal_translate in the OSGeo4W Shell.
The workflow was at follows:
- convert jp2 files to geotiff with gdal_translate
- create a Virtual Raster for all raster files (about 1000) with gdalbuildvrt
- create overviews for vrt with gdaladdo
- create mbtiles with gdal_translate
- create overviews for mbtiles with gdaladdo
After this process I've loaded the mbtiles to QGIS 3.2. The MbTiles was only shown at scale leves between 1:200 and 1:5000. If I wanted to have a lager scale, because I've wanted to see the whole project area, the MbTiles disappeared.
Here is the code I've used in detail:
cd C:/.... #repository
FOR %i IN (*.jp2) do "gdal_translate" -a_srs "EPSG:31255" -of GTIFF -co "TFW=yes" -r bilinear -tr 0.4 0.4 "%i" "%i.tif"
gdalbuildvrt -a_srs "EPSG:31255" -r bilinear -tr 0.4 0.4 -vrtnodata "0 0 0" -input_file_list "C:\...\my_list.txt" vrt_test.vrt
gdaladdo -r bilinear vrt_test.vrt 2,4,8,16
gdal_translate -of MBTiles -co "TILE_FORMAT=JPEG" -co "QUALITY=85" -co "RESAMPLING=BILINEAR" "C:\...\vrt_test.vrt" "mbtiles_test.mbtiles"
gdaladdo -r bilinear --config COMPRESS_OVERVIEW JPEG --config PHOTOMETRIC_OVERVIEW YCBCR --config INTERLEAVE_OVERVIEW PIXEL --config BIGTIFF_OVERVIEW -ro mbtiles_test.mbtiles 2,4,8,16
Has anybody an idea what's wrong?