I have a geography data type column that each row is a polygons (representing South Africa suburbs) which I have to extract from a BigQuery database into R and from there plot these in an R Shiny app (or use for other analysis).
Unfortunately, I keep running into this error:
Downloading 77,850 rows in 8 pages. Error in bq_parse_files(schema_path, page_paths, n = page_info$n_rows, :
Unknown type GEOGRAPHY
I have tried various options such as:
query <- "SELECT *, ST_ASTEXT(ST_GEOFROMTEXT(wkt)) AS Geometry FROM od_matrix.cartographic_partitions"
tb <- bq_project_query("PROJECT_HARM", query)
data <- bq_table_download(tb) %>%
sf::st_as_sf(wkt = "Geometry")
DBI::dbGetQuery(conn, "SELECT *, ST_ASTEXT(wkt) AS Geometry FROM `PROJECT_HARM-prod.geography_data` LIMIT 10")
I keep having the same errors.
Here are some of the sources, I have tried:
? Can you screenshot something to show us what you can see?