Is there a simple way to test whether a spatial object's coordinate reference system expresses coordinates in units of meters? The snippet below shows my initial attempt at a function that provides such a test, but I don't have a great sense for how broadly reliable it is.
Is a better (more reliable and/or more widely tested) approach already available? Failing that, are there commonly used coordinate reference systems for which my approach is likely to fail?
## Function to test whether an sf object's projection expresses
## coordinates in units of meters by checking that the projection:
## (a) is not longlat; and (b) comes with no multiplier factor for
## converting units to meters.
is_proj_in_meters <- function(obj) {
! &
!st_is_longlat(obj) &
## Create four sample polygons, each with a different CRS
g <- st_as_sfc("POLYGON ((-61.66957 10.69214, -61.565 10.75728, -61.37453 10.77654, -61.40721 10.60681, -61.66957 10.69214))")
## (1) No CRS supplied (units are unspecified)
a <- st_as_sf(data.frame(id = 1, geometry = g))
st_crs(a)$to_meter ## NA
st_is_longlat(a) ## NA
## (2) WGS 84 projection (units are degrees)
b <- st_as_sf(data.frame(id = 1, geometry = g), crs = 4326)
st_crs(b)$to_meter ## NULL
st_is_longlat(b) ## [1] TRUE
## (3) 1903 Trinidad grid (unit is Clarke's foot)
c <- st_transform(b, 2314)
st_crs(c)$to_meter ## [1] 0.30479726540000002
st_is_longlat(c) ## [1] FALSE
## (4) UTM zones applied to Trinidad and Tobago (units are meters)
d <- st_transform(b, 32621)
st_crs(d)$to_meter ## NULL
st_is_longlat(d) ## [1] FALSE
## Finally, test `is_proj_in_meters()`
sapply(list(a,b,c,d), is_proj_in_meters)