I'm trying to create a constraint unique on a geometry column to avoid duplicate ones, following https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/299098/why-doesnt-my-unique-constraint-trigger/299107#299107
The function to populate the new column geom_text (since constraint unique
on geometry column is impossible from what I understand)
CREATE OR REPLACE function activite.conversion_geom(geom geometry)
returns varchar
Language SQL immutable as
'select Box2D(geom)';
Alter table activite.ouverture
add column geom_text varchar generated always as (activite.conversion_geom(geom)) stored,
add constraint geom_text unique (geom_text)
I can't create the unique constraint because it says duplicate exists.
But when I execute
select geom from activite.ouverture
group by geom
having count(geom) > 1
No rows is returned.
Using the coords in the error message and QGIS
La clé (geom_text)=(BOX(859646.1872923545 6933903.321689525,859651.5708820212 6933910.993510331)) est dupliquée.
I can see two polygons that seem identical.
So to confirm, using the gid of the polygons
select st_equals(o1.geom,o2.geom)
from activite.ouverture o1, activite.ouverture o2
where o1.gid = 230605 and o2.gid = 230606
returns true !
Why the query with the GROUP BY geom
does not find these two polygons ?
And I am afraid that there are not alone...