I'm using OSX 10.6 and just downloaded and installed PostgreSQL 9.0.2-1 and pgRouting 1.0.5-1 for Postgres 9.0 from here.

I'm a confused what my next steps are though. I'd like to try loading a simple network into pgRouting and running a few different network routing analyses on it to test it out. However, I don't know where to begin.

How do I open PostgreSQL or pgRouting? I'm fairly comfortable with terminal commands and scripting, but as I installed precompiled versions, I don't know where anything is or what to get at. I have looked at the pgRouting documentation, but I didn't see anything similar to my question.

2 Answers 2


I was in the same boat as you just a couple of weeks ago and was able to get a shortest path with relative ease by using the tools/information below:

As previously mentioned, I use pgAdminIII as my GUI for writing SQL and managing tables.

As for getting started, I would definitely start by following along with @underdark's excellent A Beginner’s Guide to pgRouting blog posting from a few weeks ago. There are 3 posts in all, so be sure to look at newer posts than this one. I was able to get the shortest route implemented very quickly by following along.

I would also recommend the PostGIS In Action eBook, which has a short section on using pgRouting.

If you want to download OpenStreetMap data, I found the osm2po utility to work fairly easy for loading and configuring the data, which then can give you a starting place and a configured road network in place. Downloading a small spatial extent from CloudMade will speed up your processing time and make it easier to learn, rather than downloading and working with say, an entire country.

Lastly, download a GIS software like QGIS to visualize your network and routing outputs.


We use pgAdmin (GUI of the command line) http://www.postgresql.org/download/macosx

Install Guide and Good Tutorial from the Apple site: Note: this is the official way of doing Postgres/PostGIS and pgrouting on Mac

enter image description here

Important > You need to create a new user

Before installing PostgreSQL, you’ll need to install a package called readline. The easiest way to get it is through the Fink project. The Fink project’s goal is to port open-source Unix applications to Darwin and Mac OS X, and to make them available through an easy-to-use package manager. To install Fink, follow these directions. Make sure you’ve got the appropriate Fink installer for your version of OS X.

Once Fink is installed, open a terminal window and type the following to install readline:


  • Thanks for the suggestions; I'll take a look at these links. After you install all these programs, how do you use them?
    – djq
    Commented Mar 22, 2011 at 16:28
  • When PHPAdmin is installed - you can type localhost/phppgAdmin/index.php into your web browser - you should see the admin screen and logon to your postgres DB
    – Mapperz
    Commented Mar 22, 2011 at 16:47

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