This is my first attempt at much code in the raster calculator of ArcMap 10.0, but I think I'm close.
I have nine rasters (A-I below) and want a new raster with value = 1 where any of the rasters have field 1 >= 1 and <= 366 and field 2 not equal to 5.
Here's what I've got:
Con(([A].1|[B].1|[C].1|[D].1|[E].1|[F].1|[G].1|[H].1|[I].1 >= 1 & <= 366) & ([A].2|[B].2|[C].2|[D].2|[E].2|[F].2|[G].2|[H].2|[I].2 != 5) , 1,0)
I get the little red circle with an X in the top left of the raster calculator window and an error message:
Parsing error : invalid syntax (line 1).
Anyone know what I've got wrong?
Con((A[1]|B[1]|C[1]|D[1]|E[1]|F[1]|G[1]|H[1]|I[1] >= 1 & <= 366) & (A[2]|B[2]|C[2]|D[2]|E[2]|F[2]|G[2]|H[2]|I[2] != 5) , 1,0)