I know how to make Hub Lines using the GUI, I want to know how to do the same using the Python Console, a tutorial would be great.
Could you add some more information please? We don't know if you are looking for a link or a tutorial or something entirely different.– PaulCommented Jun 30, 2014 at 16:52
I know how create the Hub Lines, I want to know how to do it using the python console. A tutorial would be great. Thank you.– amamdouhCommented Jun 30, 2014 at 17:06
@amamdouh, you've just restated your question almost verbatim. Could you please add more information as Paul suggested? What have you tried so far? Could you post any code you've written?– FezterCommented Jun 30, 2014 at 23:49
I asked a similar question and found this which may be of some use: gis.stackexchange.com/questions/11216/…– JosephCommented Jul 1, 2014 at 9:49
it's what I am looking for, but I can't find the code for MMQGIS plugin anywhere. thanks.– amamdouhCommented Jul 1, 2014 at 11:54
2 Answers
When I don't know a Python module, I use the dir()
command or the see module to know what's inside.
(in the Python console)
from see import see
import mmqgis
['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', 'classFactory', 'mmqgis_dialogs', 'mmqgis_library', 'mmqgis_menu']
# or
.classFactory() .mmqgis_dialogs .mmqgis_library .mmqgis_menu
, .mmqgis_dialogs()
or .mmqis_menu()
are clearly for the interface of the plugin, so the functions that you are looking for are in .mmqgis_library
You can try:
(lot of items)
but it is more interesting here to find the original mmqgis_library
Python file:
import mmqgis.mmqgis_library
The file concerned is mmqgis_library.py with (lines 3202 ...):
# --------------------------------------------------------
# mmqgis_hub_distance - Create shapefile of distances
# from points to nearest hub
# --------------------------------------------------------
class mmqgis_hub:
def __init__(self, point, newname):
self.point = point
self.name = newname
from mmqgis.mmqgis_library import mmqgis_hub
Works, but after you need to understand the class to use it...
If it helps anyone else who is starting out with the python console, here's the outline of how I used the MMQGIS's geocoding function, which locally geocodes using the Census' streetfiles (with the NA's changed to zeros), after I had already installed MMQGIS :
import mmqgis.mmqgis_library
from mmqgis.mmqgis_library import mmqgis_geocode_street_layer
#the geocode function
def rungeocode():
input_layer = QgsVectorLayer(input_layer_name)
message = mmqgis_geocode_street_layer(input_csv_name, \
number_column, street_name_column, zip_column, \
input_layer, street_name_attr, left_from_attr, left_to_attr, left_zip_attr, \
right_from_attr, right_to_attr, right_zip_attr, \
from_x_attr, from_y_attr, to_x_attr, to_y_attr, setback, \
output_file_name, not_found_file)
print("Geocode Street Layer: " + str(message))
#variables that don't change
number_column = "geo_num"
street_name_column = "geo_street"
zip_column = "zip"
street_name_attr = "FULLNAME"
left_from_attr = "LFROMHN"
left_to_attr = "LTOHN"
left_zip_attr = "ZIPL"
right_from_attr = "RFROMHN"
right_to_attr = "RTOHN"
right_zip_attr = "ZIPR"
from_x_attr = None
from_y_attr = None
to_x_attr = None
to_y_attr = None
setback = 0
#list of the counties
for x in lst_cty:
print("beginning "+x)